Module finlab_crypto.strategy
Strategy function plug-in.
You can use Filter and Strategy function as decorator that make strategies easy to construct filters layers and common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing, parameter tuning and analysis charts.
Typical usage example:
def your_filter(ohlcv):
your filter logic...
return filter > filter_value, figures
f60 = your_filter.create({'timeperiod': 60})
def your_strategy(ohlcv):
your strategy logic...
return entries, exits, figures
portfolio = your_strategy.backtest(ohlcv, freq='4h', plot=True)
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"""Strategy function plug-in.
You can use Filter and Strategy function as decorator
that make strategies easy to construct filters layers
and common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing,
parameter tuning and analysis charts.
Typical usage example:
def your_filter(ohlcv):
your filter logic...
return filter > filter_value, figures
f60 = your_filter.create({'timeperiod': 60})
def your_strategy(ohlcv):
your strategy logic...
return entries, exits, figures
portfolio = your_strategy.backtest(ohlcv, freq='4h', plot=True)
from finlab_crypto.utility import (enumerate_variables, enumerate_signal,
stop_early, plot_combination, plot_strategy,
variable_visualization, remove_pd_object
from finlab_crypto.overfitting import CSCV
import copy
import vectorbt as vbt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Iterable
class Filter(object):
"""Filter package features plug-in.
Offer easy way to create filter to use in class Strategy.
default_parameters: customized filter attributes.
def __init__(self, **default_parameters):
"""inits filter."""
self.func = None
self.filters = {}
self._default_parameters = default_parameters
def __call__(self, func):
"""decorator function
func: A function of the customized filter.
self.func = func
return self
def set_parameters(self, variables):
"""set your customized filter parameters.
let filter class use variables dict to set method
variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes.
if self._default_parameters:
for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
if variables:
for key, val in variables.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
def show_parameters(self):
parameters = {}
for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
parameters[key] = getattr(self, key)
def create(self, variables=None):
"""generate filter signals, fig_data.
offer easy way to create filter signals, fig_data
variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes.
signals: a dataframe of filter signals.
fig_data: a dict of required data for figure display.
def ret_f(ohlcv):
variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables)
if len(variable_enumerate) == 0:
signals = {}
fig_data = {}
for v in variable_enumerate:
results = self.func(ohlcv)
v = remove_pd_object(v)
if isinstance(results, Iterable):
signals[str(v)], fig_data = results
signals[str(v)] = results
signals = pd.DataFrame(signals) = 'filter'
param_names = list(eval(signals.columns[0]).keys())
arrays = ([ s: eval(s)[p]) for p in param_names])
tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=param_names)
signals.columns = columns
return signals, fig_data
return ret_f
class Strategy(object):
"""strategy features plug-in.
offer common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing,
parameter tuning and analysis charts.
default_parameters: customized strategy attributes.
def __init__(self, **default_parameters):
"""inits strategy."""
self.filters = {}
self._default_parameters = default_parameters
def __call__(self, func):
"""decorator function
func: A function of customized strategy.
self.func = func
return self
def set_parameters(self, variables):
"""set your customized strategy parameters.
let strategy class use variables dict to set method.
variables: a dict of your customized strategy attributes.
# remove stop vars
stop_vars = ['sl_stop', 'tp_stop', 'ts_stop']
for svar in stop_vars:
if hasattr(self, svar):
delattr(self, svar)
# set defualt variables
if self._default_parameters:
for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
# set custom variables
if variables:
for key, val in variables.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
def show_parameters(self):
parameters = {}
for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
parameters[key] = getattr(self, key)
def _enumerate_filters(ohlcv, filters):
"""enumerate filters data.
process filter dictionary data to prepare for adding filter signals.
ohlcv: a dataframe of your trading target.
filters: a dict of your customized filter attributes.
a dict that generate tuple with filter signal dataframe and figures data.
for example:
{'mmi': (timeperiod 20
2020-11-25 02:00:00+00:00 true
2020-11-25 03:00:00+00:00 true
2020-11-25 04:00:00+00:00 true
[3 rows x 1 columns], {'figures': {'mmi_index': timestamp
2020-11-25 02:00:00+00:00 0.7
2020-11-25 03:00:00+00:00 0.7
2020-11-25 04:00:00+00:00 0.7
name: close, length: 28597, dtype: float64}})}
ret = {}
for fname, f in filters.items():
# get filter signals and figures
filter_df, filter_figures = f(ohlcv)
ret[fname] = (filter_df, filter_figures)
return ret
def _add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filters):
"""add filters in strategy.
generate entries, exits, fig_data after add filters.
entries: A dataframe of entries point time series.
exits: A dataframe of exits point time series.
fig_data: A dict of your customized figure Attributes.
filters: A dict of _enumerate_filters function return.
entries: A dataframe of entries point time series after add filter function.
exits: A dataframe of exits point time series after add filter function.
fig_data: A dict of tuple with filter signal dataframe and figures data.
for fname, (filter_df, filter_figures) in filters.items():
filter_df.columns = filter_df.columns.set_names([fname + '_' + n for n in filter_df.columns.names])
entries = filter_df.vbt.tile(entries.shape[1]).vbt & entries.vbt.repeat(filter_df.shape[1]).vbt
exits = exits.vbt.repeat(filter_df.shape[1])
exits.columns = entries.columns
# merge figures
if filter_figures is not None:
if 'figures' in filter_figures:
if 'figures' not in fig_data:
fig_data['figures'] = {}
for name, fig in filter_figures['figures'].items():
fig_data['figures'][fname + '_' + name] = fig
if 'overlaps' in filter_figures:
if 'overlaps' not in fig_data:
fig_data['overlaps'] = {}
for name, fig in filter_figures['overlaps'].items():
fig_data['overlaps'][fname + '_' + name] = fig
return entries, exits, fig_data
def _add_stops(ohlcv, entries, exits, variables):
"""Add early trading stop condition in strategy.
ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target.
entries: A dataframe of entry point time series.
exits: A dataframe of exits point time series.
variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes.
entries: A dataframe of entries point time series after add stop_early function.
exits: A dataframe of exits point time series after add stop_early function.
entries, exits = stop_early(ohlcv, entries, exits, variables)
entries = entries.squeeze()
exits = exits.squeeze()
return entries, exits
def backtest(self, ohlcv, variables=None,
filters=None, lookback=None, plot=False,
signals=False, side='long', cscv_nbins=10,
cscv_objective=lambda r: r.mean(), html=None, compounded=True, execution_price='close', **args):
"""Backtest analysis tool set.
Use vectorbt as base module to create numerical operations features.
Use seaborn and pyechart as base modules to create analysis charts platform.
ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target.
variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes.
Default is None.
filters: A dict of your customized filter Attributes.
Default is None.
lookback: A int of slice that you want to get recent ohlcv.
Default is None.
plot: A bool of control plot display.
Default is False.
signals: A bool of controlentries, exits, fig_data return.
Default is False.
side: A str of transaction direction,short or long.
Default is long.
cscv_nbins: A int of CSCV algorithm bin size to control overfitting calculation.
Default is 10.
cscv_objective: A function of in sample(is) and out of sample(oos) return benchmark algorithm.
Default is lambda r:r.mean().
html: A str of your customized html format file to show plot.
Default is None.
compounded: use compounded return as result of backtesting
Default is True
execution_price: price for trading operation ('open' or 'close').
Default is 'open'
Other parameters.
A dataframe of vectorbt.Portfolio.from_signals results
Plot results display.
'Shorting is not support yet':if side is 'short'.
"side should be 'long' or 'short'":if side is not 'short' or 'long'.
variables = variables or dict()
filters = filters or dict()
variables_without_stop = copy.copy(variables)
exit_vars = ['sl_stop', 'ts_stop', 'tp_stop']
stop_vars = {}
for e in exit_vars:
if e in variables_without_stop:
stop_vars[e] = variables[e]
ohlcv_lookback = ohlcv.iloc[-lookback:] if lookback else ohlcv
variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables_without_stop)
if not variable_enumerate:
variable_enumerate = [self._default_parameters]
entries, exits, fig_data = enumerate_signal(ohlcv_lookback, self, variable_enumerate)
if filters:
filter_signals = self._enumerate_filters(ohlcv_lookback, filters)
entries, exits, fig_data = self._add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filter_signals)
entries, exits = self._add_stops(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, stop_vars)
if signals:
return entries, exits, fig_data
if side == 'long':
if not compounded:
args['size'] = vbt.defaults.portfolio['init_cash'] / ohlcv_lookback.close[0]
assert execution_price == 'close' or execution_price == 'open'
price = ohlcv_lookback[execution_price] if execution_price == 'close' else ohlcv_lookback[execution_price].shift(-1).bfill()
portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(
ohlcv_lookback[execution_price], entries.fillna(False), exits.fillna(False), **args)
elif side == 'short':
raise Exception('Shorting is not support yet')
raise Exception("side should be 'long' or 'short'")
if (plot or html is not None) and isinstance(entries, pd.Series):
plot_strategy(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, portfolio, fig_data, html=html)
elif plot and isinstance(entries, pd.DataFrame):
# perform CSCV algorithm
cscv = CSCV(n_bins=cscv_nbins, objective=cscv_objective)
cscv_result = cscv.estimate_overfitting(plot=False)
# plot results
plot_combination(portfolio, cscv_result)
return portfolio
class Filter (**default_parameters)
Filter package features plug-in.
Offer easy way to create filter to use in class Strategy.
- customized filter attributes.
inits filter.
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class Filter(object): """Filter package features plug-in. Offer easy way to create filter to use in class Strategy. Attributes: default_parameters: customized filter attributes. """ def __init__(self, **default_parameters): """inits filter.""" self.func = None self.filters = {} self._default_parameters = default_parameters self.set_parameters(default_parameters) def __call__(self, func): """decorator function Args func: A function of the customized filter. """ self.func = func return self def set_parameters(self, variables): """set your customized filter parameters. let filter class use variables dict to set method Args: variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes. """ if self._default_parameters: for key, val in self._default_parameters.items(): setattr(self, key, val) if variables: for key, val in variables.items(): setattr(self, key, val) def show_parameters(self): parameters = {} for key, val in self._default_parameters.items(): parameters[key] = getattr(self, key) print(parameters) def create(self, variables=None): """generate filter signals, fig_data. offer easy way to create filter signals, fig_data Args: variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes. Returns: signals: a dataframe of filter signals. fig_data: a dict of required data for figure display. """ def ret_f(ohlcv): variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables) if len(variable_enumerate) == 0: variable_enumerate.append(self._default_parameters) signals = {} fig_data = {} for v in variable_enumerate: self.set_parameters(v) results = self.func(ohlcv) v = remove_pd_object(v) if isinstance(results, Iterable): signals[str(v)], fig_data = results else: signals[str(v)] = results signals = pd.DataFrame(signals) = 'filter' param_names = list(eval(signals.columns[0]).keys()) arrays = ([ s: eval(s)[p]) for p in param_names]) tuples = list(zip(*arrays)) columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=param_names) signals.columns = columns return signals, fig_data return ret_f
def create(self, variables=None)
generate filter signals, fig_data.
offer easy way to create filter signals, fig_data
- a dict of your customized filter attributes.
- a dataframe of filter signals.
- a dict of required data for figure display.
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def create(self, variables=None): """generate filter signals, fig_data. offer easy way to create filter signals, fig_data Args: variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes. Returns: signals: a dataframe of filter signals. fig_data: a dict of required data for figure display. """ def ret_f(ohlcv): variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables) if len(variable_enumerate) == 0: variable_enumerate.append(self._default_parameters) signals = {} fig_data = {} for v in variable_enumerate: self.set_parameters(v) results = self.func(ohlcv) v = remove_pd_object(v) if isinstance(results, Iterable): signals[str(v)], fig_data = results else: signals[str(v)] = results signals = pd.DataFrame(signals) = 'filter' param_names = list(eval(signals.columns[0]).keys()) arrays = ([ s: eval(s)[p]) for p in param_names]) tuples = list(zip(*arrays)) columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=param_names) signals.columns = columns return signals, fig_data return ret_f
def set_parameters(self, variables)
set your customized filter parameters.
let filter class use variables dict to set method
- a dict of your customized filter attributes.
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def set_parameters(self, variables): """set your customized filter parameters. let filter class use variables dict to set method Args: variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes. """ if self._default_parameters: for key, val in self._default_parameters.items(): setattr(self, key, val) if variables: for key, val in variables.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
def show_parameters(self)
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def show_parameters(self): parameters = {} for key, val in self._default_parameters.items(): parameters[key] = getattr(self, key) print(parameters)
class Strategy (**default_parameters)
strategy features plug-in.
offer common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing, parameter tuning and analysis charts.
- customized strategy attributes.
inits strategy.
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class Strategy(object): """strategy features plug-in. offer common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing, parameter tuning and analysis charts. Attributes: default_parameters: customized strategy attributes. """ def __init__(self, **default_parameters): """inits strategy.""" self.filters = {} self._default_parameters = default_parameters self.set_parameters(default_parameters) def __call__(self, func): """decorator function Args func: A function of customized strategy. """ self.func = func return self def set_parameters(self, variables): """set your customized strategy parameters. let strategy class use variables dict to set method. Args: variables: a dict of your customized strategy attributes. """ # remove stop vars stop_vars = ['sl_stop', 'tp_stop', 'ts_stop'] for svar in stop_vars: if hasattr(self, svar): delattr(self, svar) # set defualt variables if self._default_parameters: for key, val in self._default_parameters.items(): setattr(self, key, val) # set custom variables if variables: for key, val in variables.items(): setattr(self, key, val) def show_parameters(self): parameters = {} for key, val in self._default_parameters.items(): parameters[key] = getattr(self, key) print(parameters) @staticmethod def _enumerate_filters(ohlcv, filters): """enumerate filters data. process filter dictionary data to prepare for adding filter signals. Args: ohlcv: a dataframe of your trading target. filters: a dict of your customized filter attributes. Returns: a dict that generate tuple with filter signal dataframe and figures data. for example: {'mmi': (timeperiod 20 timestamp 2020-11-25 02:00:00+00:00 true 2020-11-25 03:00:00+00:00 true 2020-11-25 04:00:00+00:00 true [3 rows x 1 columns], {'figures': {'mmi_index': timestamp 2020-11-25 02:00:00+00:00 0.7 2020-11-25 03:00:00+00:00 0.7 2020-11-25 04:00:00+00:00 0.7 name: close, length: 28597, dtype: float64}})} """ ret = {} for fname, f in filters.items(): # get filter signals and figures filter_df, filter_figures = f(ohlcv) ret[fname] = (filter_df, filter_figures) return ret @staticmethod def _add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filters): """add filters in strategy. generate entries, exits, fig_data after add filters. Args: entries: A dataframe of entries point time series. exits: A dataframe of exits point time series. fig_data: A dict of your customized figure Attributes. filters: A dict of _enumerate_filters function return. Returns: entries: A dataframe of entries point time series after add filter function. exits: A dataframe of exits point time series after add filter function. fig_data: A dict of tuple with filter signal dataframe and figures data. """ for fname, (filter_df, filter_figures) in filters.items(): filter_df.columns = filter_df.columns.set_names([fname + '_' + n for n in filter_df.columns.names]) entries = filter_df.vbt.tile(entries.shape[1]).vbt & entries.vbt.repeat(filter_df.shape[1]).vbt exits = exits.vbt.repeat(filter_df.shape[1]) exits.columns = entries.columns # merge figures if filter_figures is not None: if 'figures' in filter_figures: if 'figures' not in fig_data: fig_data['figures'] = {} for name, fig in filter_figures['figures'].items(): fig_data['figures'][fname + '_' + name] = fig if 'overlaps' in filter_figures: if 'overlaps' not in fig_data: fig_data['overlaps'] = {} for name, fig in filter_figures['overlaps'].items(): fig_data['overlaps'][fname + '_' + name] = fig return entries, exits, fig_data @staticmethod def _add_stops(ohlcv, entries, exits, variables): """Add early trading stop condition in strategy. Args: ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target. entries: A dataframe of entry point time series. exits: A dataframe of exits point time series. variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes. Returns: entries: A dataframe of entries point time series after add stop_early function. exits: A dataframe of exits point time series after add stop_early function. """ entries, exits = stop_early(ohlcv, entries, exits, variables) entries = entries.squeeze() exits = exits.squeeze() return entries, exits def backtest(self, ohlcv, variables=None, filters=None, lookback=None, plot=False, signals=False, side='long', cscv_nbins=10, cscv_objective=lambda r: r.mean(), html=None, compounded=True, execution_price='close', **args): """Backtest analysis tool set. Use vectorbt as base module to create numerical operations features. Use seaborn and pyechart as base modules to create analysis charts platform. Args: ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target. variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes. Default is None. filters: A dict of your customized filter Attributes. Default is None. lookback: A int of slice that you want to get recent ohlcv. Default is None. plot: A bool of control plot display. Default is False. signals: A bool of controlentries, exits, fig_data return. Default is False. side: A str of transaction direction,short or long. Default is long. cscv_nbins: A int of CSCV algorithm bin size to control overfitting calculation. Default is 10. cscv_objective: A function of in sample(is) and out of sample(oos) return benchmark algorithm. Default is lambda r:r.mean(). html: A str of your customized html format file to show plot. Default is None. compounded: use compounded return as result of backtesting Default is True execution_price: price for trading operation ('open' or 'close'). Default is 'open' **args: Other parameters. Returns: A dataframe of vectorbt.Portfolio.from_signals results Plot results display. Raises: 'Shorting is not support yet':if side is 'short'. "side should be 'long' or 'short'":if side is not 'short' or 'long'. """ variables = variables or dict() filters = filters or dict() variables_without_stop = copy.copy(variables) exit_vars = ['sl_stop', 'ts_stop', 'tp_stop'] stop_vars = {} for e in exit_vars: if e in variables_without_stop: stop_vars[e] = variables[e] variables_without_stop.pop(e) ohlcv_lookback = ohlcv.iloc[-lookback:] if lookback else ohlcv variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables_without_stop) if not variable_enumerate: variable_enumerate = [self._default_parameters] entries, exits, fig_data = enumerate_signal(ohlcv_lookback, self, variable_enumerate) if filters: filter_signals = self._enumerate_filters(ohlcv_lookback, filters) entries, exits, fig_data = self._add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filter_signals) entries, exits = self._add_stops(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, stop_vars) if signals: return entries, exits, fig_data if side == 'long': if not compounded: args['size'] = vbt.defaults.portfolio['init_cash'] / ohlcv_lookback.close[0] assert execution_price == 'close' or execution_price == 'open' price = ohlcv_lookback[execution_price] if execution_price == 'close' else ohlcv_lookback[execution_price].shift(-1).bfill() portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals( ohlcv_lookback[execution_price], entries.fillna(False), exits.fillna(False), **args) elif side == 'short': raise Exception('Shorting is not support yet') else: raise Exception("side should be 'long' or 'short'") if (plot or html is not None) and isinstance(entries, pd.Series): plot_strategy(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, portfolio, fig_data, html=html) elif plot and isinstance(entries, pd.DataFrame): # perform CSCV algorithm cscv = CSCV(n_bins=cscv_nbins, objective=cscv_objective) cscv.add_daily_returns(portfolio.daily_returns()) cscv_result = cscv.estimate_overfitting(plot=False) # plot results plot_combination(portfolio, cscv_result) variable_visualization(portfolio) return portfolio
def backtest(self, ohlcv, variables=None, filters=None, lookback=None, plot=False, signals=False, side='long', cscv_nbins=10, cscv_objective=<function Strategy.<lambda>>, html=None, compounded=True, execution_price='close', **args)
Backtest analysis tool set. Use vectorbt as base module to create numerical operations features. Use seaborn and pyechart as base modules to create analysis charts platform.
- A dataframe of your trading target.
- A dict of your customized strategy Attributes. Default is None.
- A dict of your customized filter Attributes. Default is None.
- A int of slice that you want to get recent ohlcv. Default is None.
- A bool of control plot display. Default is False.
- A bool of controlentries, exits, fig_data return. Default is False.
- A str of transaction direction,short or long. Default is long.
- A int of CSCV algorithm bin size to control overfitting calculation. Default is 10.
- A function of in sample(is) and out of sample(oos) return benchmark algorithm. Default is lambda r:r.mean().
- A str of your customized html format file to show plot. Default is None.
- use compounded return as result of backtesting Default is True
- price for trading operation ('open' or 'close'). Default is 'open'
**args: Other parameters.
A dataframe of vectorbt.Portfolio.from_signals results Plot results display.
'Shorting is not support yet':if side is 'short'. "side should be 'long' or 'short'":if side is not 'short' or 'long'.
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def backtest(self, ohlcv, variables=None, filters=None, lookback=None, plot=False, signals=False, side='long', cscv_nbins=10, cscv_objective=lambda r: r.mean(), html=None, compounded=True, execution_price='close', **args): """Backtest analysis tool set. Use vectorbt as base module to create numerical operations features. Use seaborn and pyechart as base modules to create analysis charts platform. Args: ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target. variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes. Default is None. filters: A dict of your customized filter Attributes. Default is None. lookback: A int of slice that you want to get recent ohlcv. Default is None. plot: A bool of control plot display. Default is False. signals: A bool of controlentries, exits, fig_data return. Default is False. side: A str of transaction direction,short or long. Default is long. cscv_nbins: A int of CSCV algorithm bin size to control overfitting calculation. Default is 10. cscv_objective: A function of in sample(is) and out of sample(oos) return benchmark algorithm. Default is lambda r:r.mean(). html: A str of your customized html format file to show plot. Default is None. compounded: use compounded return as result of backtesting Default is True execution_price: price for trading operation ('open' or 'close'). Default is 'open' **args: Other parameters. Returns: A dataframe of vectorbt.Portfolio.from_signals results Plot results display. Raises: 'Shorting is not support yet':if side is 'short'. "side should be 'long' or 'short'":if side is not 'short' or 'long'. """ variables = variables or dict() filters = filters or dict() variables_without_stop = copy.copy(variables) exit_vars = ['sl_stop', 'ts_stop', 'tp_stop'] stop_vars = {} for e in exit_vars: if e in variables_without_stop: stop_vars[e] = variables[e] variables_without_stop.pop(e) ohlcv_lookback = ohlcv.iloc[-lookback:] if lookback else ohlcv variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables_without_stop) if not variable_enumerate: variable_enumerate = [self._default_parameters] entries, exits, fig_data = enumerate_signal(ohlcv_lookback, self, variable_enumerate) if filters: filter_signals = self._enumerate_filters(ohlcv_lookback, filters) entries, exits, fig_data = self._add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filter_signals) entries, exits = self._add_stops(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, stop_vars) if signals: return entries, exits, fig_data if side == 'long': if not compounded: args['size'] = vbt.defaults.portfolio['init_cash'] / ohlcv_lookback.close[0] assert execution_price == 'close' or execution_price == 'open' price = ohlcv_lookback[execution_price] if execution_price == 'close' else ohlcv_lookback[execution_price].shift(-1).bfill() portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals( ohlcv_lookback[execution_price], entries.fillna(False), exits.fillna(False), **args) elif side == 'short': raise Exception('Shorting is not support yet') else: raise Exception("side should be 'long' or 'short'") if (plot or html is not None) and isinstance(entries, pd.Series): plot_strategy(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, portfolio, fig_data, html=html) elif plot and isinstance(entries, pd.DataFrame): # perform CSCV algorithm cscv = CSCV(n_bins=cscv_nbins, objective=cscv_objective) cscv.add_daily_returns(portfolio.daily_returns()) cscv_result = cscv.estimate_overfitting(plot=False) # plot results plot_combination(portfolio, cscv_result) variable_visualization(portfolio) return portfolio
def set_parameters(self, variables)
set your customized strategy parameters.
let strategy class use variables dict to set method.
- a dict of your customized strategy attributes.
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def set_parameters(self, variables): """set your customized strategy parameters. let strategy class use variables dict to set method. Args: variables: a dict of your customized strategy attributes. """ # remove stop vars stop_vars = ['sl_stop', 'tp_stop', 'ts_stop'] for svar in stop_vars: if hasattr(self, svar): delattr(self, svar) # set defualt variables if self._default_parameters: for key, val in self._default_parameters.items(): setattr(self, key, val) # set custom variables if variables: for key, val in variables.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
def show_parameters(self)
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def show_parameters(self): parameters = {} for key, val in self._default_parameters.items(): parameters[key] = getattr(self, key) print(parameters)