Module finlab_crypto.strategy

Strategy function plug-in.

You can use Filter and Strategy function as decorator that make strategies easy to construct filters layers and common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing, parameter tuning and analysis charts.

Typical usage example:

  def your_filter(ohlcv):
      your filter logic...
      return filter > filter_value, figures
  f60 = your_filter.create({'timeperiod': 60})

  def your_strategy(ohlcv):
     your strategy logic...
      return entries, exits, figures
  portfolio = your_strategy.backtest(ohlcv, freq='4h', plot=True)
Expand source code
"""Strategy function plug-in.

You can use Filter and Strategy function as decorator
that make strategies easy to construct filters layers
and common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing,
parameter tuning and analysis charts.

  Typical usage example:
  def your_filter(ohlcv):
      your filter logic...
      return filter > filter_value, figures
  f60 = your_filter.create({'timeperiod': 60})
  def your_strategy(ohlcv):
     your strategy logic...
      return entries, exits, figures
  portfolio = your_strategy.backtest(ohlcv, freq='4h', plot=True)

from finlab_crypto.utility import (enumerate_variables, enumerate_signal,
                                   stop_early, plot_combination, plot_strategy,
                                   variable_visualization, remove_pd_object
from finlab_crypto.overfitting import CSCV
import copy
import vectorbt as vbt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Iterable

class Filter(object):
    """Filter package features plug-in.

    Offer easy way to create filter to use in class Strategy.

        default_parameters: customized filter attributes.

    def __init__(self, **default_parameters):
        """inits filter."""
        self.func = None
        self.filters = {}
        self._default_parameters = default_parameters

    def __call__(self, func):
        """decorator function

          func: A function of the customized filter.
        self.func = func
        return self

    def set_parameters(self, variables):
        """set your customized filter parameters.

        let filter class use variables dict to set method

          variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes.

        if self._default_parameters:
            for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

        if variables:
            for key, val in variables.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

    def show_parameters(self):
        parameters = {}
        for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
            parameters[key] = getattr(self, key)

    def create(self, variables=None):
        """generate filter signals, fig_data.

        offer easy way to create filter signals, fig_data

          variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes.
          signals: a dataframe of filter signals.
          fig_data: a dict of required data for figure display.

        def ret_f(ohlcv):

            variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables)
            if len(variable_enumerate) == 0:

            signals = {}
            fig_data = {}
            for v in variable_enumerate:

                results = self.func(ohlcv)

                v = remove_pd_object(v)

                if isinstance(results, Iterable):
                    signals[str(v)], fig_data = results
                    signals[str(v)] = results

            signals = pd.DataFrame(signals)
   = 'filter'

            param_names = list(eval(signals.columns[0]).keys())
            arrays = ([ s: eval(s)[p]) for p in param_names])
            tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
            columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=param_names)
            signals.columns = columns

            return signals, fig_data

        return ret_f

class Strategy(object):
    """strategy features plug-in.

    offer common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing,
    parameter tuning and analysis charts.

        default_parameters: customized strategy attributes.


    def __init__(self, **default_parameters):
        """inits strategy."""
        self.filters = {}
        self._default_parameters = default_parameters

    def __call__(self, func):
        """decorator function

          func: A function of customized strategy.
        self.func = func
        return self

    def set_parameters(self, variables):
        """set your customized strategy parameters.

        let strategy class use variables dict to set method.

          variables: a dict of your customized strategy attributes.


        # remove stop vars
        stop_vars = ['sl_stop', 'tp_stop', 'ts_stop']
        for svar in stop_vars:
            if hasattr(self, svar):
                delattr(self, svar)

        # set defualt variables
        if self._default_parameters:
            for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

        # set custom variables
        if variables:
            for key, val in variables.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

    def show_parameters(self):
        parameters = {}
        for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
            parameters[key] = getattr(self, key)

    def _enumerate_filters(ohlcv, filters):
        """enumerate filters data.

        process filter dictionary data to prepare for adding filter signals.

          ohlcv: a dataframe of your trading target.
          filters: a dict of your customized filter attributes.

          a dict that generate tuple with filter signal dataframe and figures data.
          for example:

        {'mmi': (timeperiod                    20
          2020-11-25 02:00:00+00:00   true
          2020-11-25 03:00:00+00:00   true
          2020-11-25 04:00:00+00:00   true

          [3 rows x 1 columns], {'figures': {'mmi_index': timestamp
            2020-11-25 02:00:00+00:00    0.7
            2020-11-25 03:00:00+00:00    0.7
            2020-11-25 04:00:00+00:00    0.7
            name: close, length: 28597, dtype: float64}})}

        ret = {}
        for fname, f in filters.items():
            # get filter signals and figures
            filter_df, filter_figures = f(ohlcv)
            ret[fname] = (filter_df, filter_figures)
        return ret

    def _add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filters):
        """add filters in strategy.

        generate entries, exits, fig_data after add filters.

          entries: A dataframe of entries point time series.
          exits: A dataframe of exits point time series.
          fig_data: A dict of your customized figure Attributes.
          filters: A dict of _enumerate_filters function return.

          entries: A dataframe of entries point time series after add filter function.
          exits: A dataframe of exits point time series after add filter function.
          fig_data: A dict of tuple with filter signal dataframe and figures data.

        for fname, (filter_df, filter_figures) in filters.items():
            filter_df.columns = filter_df.columns.set_names([fname + '_' + n for n in filter_df.columns.names])
            entries = filter_df.vbt.tile(entries.shape[1]).vbt & entries.vbt.repeat(filter_df.shape[1]).vbt
            exits = exits.vbt.repeat(filter_df.shape[1])
            exits.columns = entries.columns

            # merge figures
            if filter_figures is not None:
                if 'figures' in filter_figures:
                    if 'figures' not in fig_data:
                        fig_data['figures'] = {}
                    for name, fig in filter_figures['figures'].items():
                        fig_data['figures'][fname + '_' + name] = fig
                if 'overlaps' in filter_figures:
                    if 'overlaps' not in fig_data:
                        fig_data['overlaps'] = {}
                    for name, fig in filter_figures['overlaps'].items():
                        fig_data['overlaps'][fname + '_' + name] = fig

        return entries, exits, fig_data

    def _add_stops(ohlcv, entries, exits, variables):
        """Add early trading stop condition in strategy.

          ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target.
          entries: A dataframe of entry point time series.
          exits: A dataframe of exits point time series.
          variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes.

          entries: A dataframe of entries point time series after add stop_early function.
          exits: A dataframe of exits point time series after add stop_early function.

        entries, exits = stop_early(ohlcv, entries, exits, variables)
        entries = entries.squeeze()
        exits = exits.squeeze()
        return entries, exits

    def backtest(self, ohlcv, variables=None,
                 filters=None, lookback=None, plot=False,
                 signals=False, side='long', cscv_nbins=10,
                 cscv_objective=lambda r: r.mean(), html=None, compounded=True, execution_price='close', **args):

        """Backtest analysis tool set.
        Use vectorbt as base module to create numerical operations features.
        Use seaborn and pyechart as base modules to create analysis charts platform.

          ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target.
          variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes.
            Default is None.
          filters: A dict of your customized filter Attributes.
            Default is None.
          lookback: A int of slice that you want to get recent ohlcv.
            Default is None.
          plot: A bool of control plot display.
            Default is False.
          signals: A bool of controlentries, exits, fig_data return.
            Default is False.
          side: A str of transaction direction,short or long.
            Default is long.
          cscv_nbins: A int of CSCV algorithm bin size to control overfitting calculation.
            Default is 10.
          cscv_objective: A function of in sample(is) and out of sample(oos) return benchmark algorithm.
            Default is lambda r:r.mean().
          html: A str of your customized html format file to show plot.
            Default is None.
          compounded: use compounded return as result of backtesting
            Default is True
          execution_price: price for trading operation ('open' or 'close').
            Default is 'open'
            Other parameters.

            A dataframe of vectorbt.Portfolio.from_signals results
            Plot results display.

            'Shorting is not support yet':if side is 'short'.
            "side should be 'long' or 'short'":if side is not 'short' or 'long'.

        variables = variables or dict()
        filters = filters or dict()

        variables_without_stop = copy.copy(variables)
        exit_vars = ['sl_stop', 'ts_stop', 'tp_stop']
        stop_vars = {}
        for e in exit_vars:
            if e in variables_without_stop:
                stop_vars[e] = variables[e]

        ohlcv_lookback = ohlcv.iloc[-lookback:] if lookback else ohlcv

        variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables_without_stop)

        if not variable_enumerate:
            variable_enumerate = [self._default_parameters]

        entries, exits, fig_data = enumerate_signal(ohlcv_lookback, self, variable_enumerate)

        if filters:
            filter_signals = self._enumerate_filters(ohlcv_lookback, filters)
            entries, exits, fig_data = self._add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filter_signals)

        entries, exits = self._add_stops(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, stop_vars)

        if signals:
            return entries, exits, fig_data

        if side == 'long':

            if not compounded:
                args['size'] = vbt.defaults.portfolio['init_cash'] /  ohlcv_lookback.close[0]

            assert execution_price == 'close' or execution_price == 'open'
            price = ohlcv_lookback[execution_price] if execution_price == 'close' else ohlcv_lookback[execution_price].shift(-1).bfill()

            portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(
                ohlcv_lookback[execution_price], entries.fillna(False), exits.fillna(False), **args)

        elif side == 'short':
            raise Exception('Shorting is not support yet')

            raise Exception("side should be 'long' or 'short'")

        if (plot or html is not None) and isinstance(entries, pd.Series):
            plot_strategy(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, portfolio, fig_data, html=html)

        elif plot and isinstance(entries, pd.DataFrame):

            # perform CSCV algorithm
            cscv = CSCV(n_bins=cscv_nbins, objective=cscv_objective)
            cscv_result = cscv.estimate_overfitting(plot=False)

            # plot results
            plot_combination(portfolio, cscv_result)

        return portfolio


class Filter (**default_parameters)

Filter package features plug-in.

Offer easy way to create filter to use in class Strategy.


customized filter attributes.

inits filter.

Expand source code
class Filter(object):
    """Filter package features plug-in.

    Offer easy way to create filter to use in class Strategy.

        default_parameters: customized filter attributes.

    def __init__(self, **default_parameters):
        """inits filter."""
        self.func = None
        self.filters = {}
        self._default_parameters = default_parameters

    def __call__(self, func):
        """decorator function

          func: A function of the customized filter.
        self.func = func
        return self

    def set_parameters(self, variables):
        """set your customized filter parameters.

        let filter class use variables dict to set method

          variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes.

        if self._default_parameters:
            for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

        if variables:
            for key, val in variables.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

    def show_parameters(self):
        parameters = {}
        for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
            parameters[key] = getattr(self, key)

    def create(self, variables=None):
        """generate filter signals, fig_data.

        offer easy way to create filter signals, fig_data

          variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes.
          signals: a dataframe of filter signals.
          fig_data: a dict of required data for figure display.

        def ret_f(ohlcv):

            variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables)
            if len(variable_enumerate) == 0:

            signals = {}
            fig_data = {}
            for v in variable_enumerate:

                results = self.func(ohlcv)

                v = remove_pd_object(v)

                if isinstance(results, Iterable):
                    signals[str(v)], fig_data = results
                    signals[str(v)] = results

            signals = pd.DataFrame(signals)
   = 'filter'

            param_names = list(eval(signals.columns[0]).keys())
            arrays = ([ s: eval(s)[p]) for p in param_names])
            tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
            columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=param_names)
            signals.columns = columns

            return signals, fig_data

        return ret_f


def create(self, variables=None)

generate filter signals, fig_data.

offer easy way to create filter signals, fig_data


a dict of your customized filter attributes.


a dataframe of filter signals.
a dict of required data for figure display.
Expand source code
def create(self, variables=None):
    """generate filter signals, fig_data.

    offer easy way to create filter signals, fig_data

      variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes.
      signals: a dataframe of filter signals.
      fig_data: a dict of required data for figure display.

    def ret_f(ohlcv):

        variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables)
        if len(variable_enumerate) == 0:

        signals = {}
        fig_data = {}
        for v in variable_enumerate:

            results = self.func(ohlcv)

            v = remove_pd_object(v)

            if isinstance(results, Iterable):
                signals[str(v)], fig_data = results
                signals[str(v)] = results

        signals = pd.DataFrame(signals) = 'filter'

        param_names = list(eval(signals.columns[0]).keys())
        arrays = ([ s: eval(s)[p]) for p in param_names])
        tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
        columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=param_names)
        signals.columns = columns

        return signals, fig_data

    return ret_f
def set_parameters(self, variables)

set your customized filter parameters.

let filter class use variables dict to set method


a dict of your customized filter attributes.
Expand source code
def set_parameters(self, variables):
    """set your customized filter parameters.

    let filter class use variables dict to set method

      variables: a dict of your customized filter attributes.

    if self._default_parameters:
        for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
            setattr(self, key, val)

    if variables:
        for key, val in variables.items():
            setattr(self, key, val)
def show_parameters(self)
Expand source code
def show_parameters(self):
    parameters = {}
    for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
        parameters[key] = getattr(self, key)
class Strategy (**default_parameters)

strategy features plug-in.

offer common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing, parameter tuning and analysis charts.


customized strategy attributes.

inits strategy.

Expand source code
class Strategy(object):
    """strategy features plug-in.

    offer common strategy detection methods, such as back-testing,
    parameter tuning and analysis charts.

        default_parameters: customized strategy attributes.


    def __init__(self, **default_parameters):
        """inits strategy."""
        self.filters = {}
        self._default_parameters = default_parameters

    def __call__(self, func):
        """decorator function

          func: A function of customized strategy.
        self.func = func
        return self

    def set_parameters(self, variables):
        """set your customized strategy parameters.

        let strategy class use variables dict to set method.

          variables: a dict of your customized strategy attributes.


        # remove stop vars
        stop_vars = ['sl_stop', 'tp_stop', 'ts_stop']
        for svar in stop_vars:
            if hasattr(self, svar):
                delattr(self, svar)

        # set defualt variables
        if self._default_parameters:
            for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

        # set custom variables
        if variables:
            for key, val in variables.items():
                setattr(self, key, val)

    def show_parameters(self):
        parameters = {}
        for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
            parameters[key] = getattr(self, key)

    def _enumerate_filters(ohlcv, filters):
        """enumerate filters data.

        process filter dictionary data to prepare for adding filter signals.

          ohlcv: a dataframe of your trading target.
          filters: a dict of your customized filter attributes.

          a dict that generate tuple with filter signal dataframe and figures data.
          for example:

        {'mmi': (timeperiod                    20
          2020-11-25 02:00:00+00:00   true
          2020-11-25 03:00:00+00:00   true
          2020-11-25 04:00:00+00:00   true

          [3 rows x 1 columns], {'figures': {'mmi_index': timestamp
            2020-11-25 02:00:00+00:00    0.7
            2020-11-25 03:00:00+00:00    0.7
            2020-11-25 04:00:00+00:00    0.7
            name: close, length: 28597, dtype: float64}})}

        ret = {}
        for fname, f in filters.items():
            # get filter signals and figures
            filter_df, filter_figures = f(ohlcv)
            ret[fname] = (filter_df, filter_figures)
        return ret

    def _add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filters):
        """add filters in strategy.

        generate entries, exits, fig_data after add filters.

          entries: A dataframe of entries point time series.
          exits: A dataframe of exits point time series.
          fig_data: A dict of your customized figure Attributes.
          filters: A dict of _enumerate_filters function return.

          entries: A dataframe of entries point time series after add filter function.
          exits: A dataframe of exits point time series after add filter function.
          fig_data: A dict of tuple with filter signal dataframe and figures data.

        for fname, (filter_df, filter_figures) in filters.items():
            filter_df.columns = filter_df.columns.set_names([fname + '_' + n for n in filter_df.columns.names])
            entries = filter_df.vbt.tile(entries.shape[1]).vbt & entries.vbt.repeat(filter_df.shape[1]).vbt
            exits = exits.vbt.repeat(filter_df.shape[1])
            exits.columns = entries.columns

            # merge figures
            if filter_figures is not None:
                if 'figures' in filter_figures:
                    if 'figures' not in fig_data:
                        fig_data['figures'] = {}
                    for name, fig in filter_figures['figures'].items():
                        fig_data['figures'][fname + '_' + name] = fig
                if 'overlaps' in filter_figures:
                    if 'overlaps' not in fig_data:
                        fig_data['overlaps'] = {}
                    for name, fig in filter_figures['overlaps'].items():
                        fig_data['overlaps'][fname + '_' + name] = fig

        return entries, exits, fig_data

    def _add_stops(ohlcv, entries, exits, variables):
        """Add early trading stop condition in strategy.

          ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target.
          entries: A dataframe of entry point time series.
          exits: A dataframe of exits point time series.
          variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes.

          entries: A dataframe of entries point time series after add stop_early function.
          exits: A dataframe of exits point time series after add stop_early function.

        entries, exits = stop_early(ohlcv, entries, exits, variables)
        entries = entries.squeeze()
        exits = exits.squeeze()
        return entries, exits

    def backtest(self, ohlcv, variables=None,
                 filters=None, lookback=None, plot=False,
                 signals=False, side='long', cscv_nbins=10,
                 cscv_objective=lambda r: r.mean(), html=None, compounded=True, execution_price='close', **args):

        """Backtest analysis tool set.
        Use vectorbt as base module to create numerical operations features.
        Use seaborn and pyechart as base modules to create analysis charts platform.

          ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target.
          variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes.
            Default is None.
          filters: A dict of your customized filter Attributes.
            Default is None.
          lookback: A int of slice that you want to get recent ohlcv.
            Default is None.
          plot: A bool of control plot display.
            Default is False.
          signals: A bool of controlentries, exits, fig_data return.
            Default is False.
          side: A str of transaction direction,short or long.
            Default is long.
          cscv_nbins: A int of CSCV algorithm bin size to control overfitting calculation.
            Default is 10.
          cscv_objective: A function of in sample(is) and out of sample(oos) return benchmark algorithm.
            Default is lambda r:r.mean().
          html: A str of your customized html format file to show plot.
            Default is None.
          compounded: use compounded return as result of backtesting
            Default is True
          execution_price: price for trading operation ('open' or 'close').
            Default is 'open'
            Other parameters.

            A dataframe of vectorbt.Portfolio.from_signals results
            Plot results display.

            'Shorting is not support yet':if side is 'short'.
            "side should be 'long' or 'short'":if side is not 'short' or 'long'.

        variables = variables or dict()
        filters = filters or dict()

        variables_without_stop = copy.copy(variables)
        exit_vars = ['sl_stop', 'ts_stop', 'tp_stop']
        stop_vars = {}
        for e in exit_vars:
            if e in variables_without_stop:
                stop_vars[e] = variables[e]

        ohlcv_lookback = ohlcv.iloc[-lookback:] if lookback else ohlcv

        variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables_without_stop)

        if not variable_enumerate:
            variable_enumerate = [self._default_parameters]

        entries, exits, fig_data = enumerate_signal(ohlcv_lookback, self, variable_enumerate)

        if filters:
            filter_signals = self._enumerate_filters(ohlcv_lookback, filters)
            entries, exits, fig_data = self._add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filter_signals)

        entries, exits = self._add_stops(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, stop_vars)

        if signals:
            return entries, exits, fig_data

        if side == 'long':

            if not compounded:
                args['size'] = vbt.defaults.portfolio['init_cash'] /  ohlcv_lookback.close[0]

            assert execution_price == 'close' or execution_price == 'open'
            price = ohlcv_lookback[execution_price] if execution_price == 'close' else ohlcv_lookback[execution_price].shift(-1).bfill()

            portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(
                ohlcv_lookback[execution_price], entries.fillna(False), exits.fillna(False), **args)

        elif side == 'short':
            raise Exception('Shorting is not support yet')

            raise Exception("side should be 'long' or 'short'")

        if (plot or html is not None) and isinstance(entries, pd.Series):
            plot_strategy(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, portfolio, fig_data, html=html)

        elif plot and isinstance(entries, pd.DataFrame):

            # perform CSCV algorithm
            cscv = CSCV(n_bins=cscv_nbins, objective=cscv_objective)
            cscv_result = cscv.estimate_overfitting(plot=False)

            # plot results
            plot_combination(portfolio, cscv_result)

        return portfolio


def backtest(self, ohlcv, variables=None, filters=None, lookback=None, plot=False, signals=False, side='long', cscv_nbins=10, cscv_objective=<function Strategy.<lambda>>, html=None, compounded=True, execution_price='close', **args)

Backtest analysis tool set. Use vectorbt as base module to create numerical operations features. Use seaborn and pyechart as base modules to create analysis charts platform.


A dataframe of your trading target.
A dict of your customized strategy Attributes. Default is None.
A dict of your customized filter Attributes. Default is None.
A int of slice that you want to get recent ohlcv. Default is None.
A bool of control plot display. Default is False.
A bool of controlentries, exits, fig_data return. Default is False.
A str of transaction direction,short or long. Default is long.
A int of CSCV algorithm bin size to control overfitting calculation. Default is 10.
A function of in sample(is) and out of sample(oos) return benchmark algorithm. Default is lambda r:r.mean().
A str of your customized html format file to show plot. Default is None.
use compounded return as result of backtesting Default is True
price for trading operation ('open' or 'close'). Default is 'open'

**args: Other parameters.


A dataframe of vectorbt.Portfolio.from_signals results Plot results display.


'Shorting is not support yet':if side is 'short'. "side should be 'long' or 'short'":if side is not 'short' or 'long'.

Expand source code
def backtest(self, ohlcv, variables=None,
             filters=None, lookback=None, plot=False,
             signals=False, side='long', cscv_nbins=10,
             cscv_objective=lambda r: r.mean(), html=None, compounded=True, execution_price='close', **args):

    """Backtest analysis tool set.
    Use vectorbt as base module to create numerical operations features.
    Use seaborn and pyechart as base modules to create analysis charts platform.

      ohlcv: A dataframe of your trading target.
      variables: A dict of your customized strategy Attributes.
        Default is None.
      filters: A dict of your customized filter Attributes.
        Default is None.
      lookback: A int of slice that you want to get recent ohlcv.
        Default is None.
      plot: A bool of control plot display.
        Default is False.
      signals: A bool of controlentries, exits, fig_data return.
        Default is False.
      side: A str of transaction direction,short or long.
        Default is long.
      cscv_nbins: A int of CSCV algorithm bin size to control overfitting calculation.
        Default is 10.
      cscv_objective: A function of in sample(is) and out of sample(oos) return benchmark algorithm.
        Default is lambda r:r.mean().
      html: A str of your customized html format file to show plot.
        Default is None.
      compounded: use compounded return as result of backtesting
        Default is True
      execution_price: price for trading operation ('open' or 'close').
        Default is 'open'
        Other parameters.

        A dataframe of vectorbt.Portfolio.from_signals results
        Plot results display.

        'Shorting is not support yet':if side is 'short'.
        "side should be 'long' or 'short'":if side is not 'short' or 'long'.

    variables = variables or dict()
    filters = filters or dict()

    variables_without_stop = copy.copy(variables)
    exit_vars = ['sl_stop', 'ts_stop', 'tp_stop']
    stop_vars = {}
    for e in exit_vars:
        if e in variables_without_stop:
            stop_vars[e] = variables[e]

    ohlcv_lookback = ohlcv.iloc[-lookback:] if lookback else ohlcv

    variable_enumerate = enumerate_variables(variables_without_stop)

    if not variable_enumerate:
        variable_enumerate = [self._default_parameters]

    entries, exits, fig_data = enumerate_signal(ohlcv_lookback, self, variable_enumerate)

    if filters:
        filter_signals = self._enumerate_filters(ohlcv_lookback, filters)
        entries, exits, fig_data = self._add_filters(entries, exits, fig_data, filter_signals)

    entries, exits = self._add_stops(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, stop_vars)

    if signals:
        return entries, exits, fig_data

    if side == 'long':

        if not compounded:
            args['size'] = vbt.defaults.portfolio['init_cash'] /  ohlcv_lookback.close[0]

        assert execution_price == 'close' or execution_price == 'open'
        price = ohlcv_lookback[execution_price] if execution_price == 'close' else ohlcv_lookback[execution_price].shift(-1).bfill()

        portfolio = vbt.Portfolio.from_signals(
            ohlcv_lookback[execution_price], entries.fillna(False), exits.fillna(False), **args)

    elif side == 'short':
        raise Exception('Shorting is not support yet')

        raise Exception("side should be 'long' or 'short'")

    if (plot or html is not None) and isinstance(entries, pd.Series):
        plot_strategy(ohlcv_lookback, entries, exits, portfolio, fig_data, html=html)

    elif plot and isinstance(entries, pd.DataFrame):

        # perform CSCV algorithm
        cscv = CSCV(n_bins=cscv_nbins, objective=cscv_objective)
        cscv_result = cscv.estimate_overfitting(plot=False)

        # plot results
        plot_combination(portfolio, cscv_result)

    return portfolio
def set_parameters(self, variables)

set your customized strategy parameters.

let strategy class use variables dict to set method.


a dict of your customized strategy attributes.
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def set_parameters(self, variables):
    """set your customized strategy parameters.

    let strategy class use variables dict to set method.

      variables: a dict of your customized strategy attributes.


    # remove stop vars
    stop_vars = ['sl_stop', 'tp_stop', 'ts_stop']
    for svar in stop_vars:
        if hasattr(self, svar):
            delattr(self, svar)

    # set defualt variables
    if self._default_parameters:
        for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
            setattr(self, key, val)

    # set custom variables
    if variables:
        for key, val in variables.items():
            setattr(self, key, val)
def show_parameters(self)
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def show_parameters(self):
    parameters = {}
    for key, val in self._default_parameters.items():
        parameters[key] = getattr(self, key)