Expand source code
import sys
import time
import as px
import pandas as pd
import datetime
from IPython.display import display
from binance.enums import *
from finlab_crypto.crawler import get_nbars_binance, get_all_binance
from binance.client import Client
class TickerInfo():
"""Ticker basic info.
Get asset amount and convert price to BTC .
client: A Binance client object where api_key, api_secret is required.
def __init__(self, client):
self.exinfo = client.get_exchange_info() = client.get_account()
self.tickers = client.get_symbol_ticker()
def _list_select(list, key, value):
ret = [l for l in list if l[key] == value]
if len(ret) == 0:
return None
return ret[0]
def get_base_asset(self, symbol):
"""Get base asset data of a given symbol.
symbol: A str of trading target name.
A str of base asset (ex: 'BTC').
sinfo = self._list_select(self.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol)
return sinfo['baseAsset']
def get_quote_asset(self, symbol):
"""Get quote asset data of a given symbol.
symbol: A str of trading target name.
A float of quote asset.
sinfo = self._list_select(self.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol)
return sinfo['quoteAsset']
def get_asset_price_in_btc(self, asset):
"""Convert price to BTC .
asset: A str of asset name (ex: 'ETH').
A float of price in BTC.
if asset == 'BTC':
return 1
ret = self._list_select(self.tickers, 'symbol', asset + 'BTC')
if ret is not None:
return float(ret['price'])
ret = self._list_select(self.tickers, 'symbol', 'BTC' + asset)
if ret is not None:
return 1 / float(ret['price'])
return None
class TradingMethod():
"""Trading method in online init setting.
Create trading method object for TradingPortfolio register .
symbols: A list of trading pair (ex: ['USDTBTC','ETHBTC']).
freq: A str of trading time period (ex: '4h').
lookback: An int of the length of historical data (ex:1000).
strategy: A function that is your customized strategy (ex:trend_strategy).
variables: A dict of your customized strategy attributes (ex:dict(name='sma',n1=30,n2=130,),).
weight_btc: A float of btc for each commodity operation (ex: 0.2).
filters: A dict that is your customized filter (ex:{}).
name: A str of your trading method name (ex:'altcoin-trend-hullma').
def __init__(self, symbols, freq, lookback, strategy, variables, weight_btc, filters=None, name=''):
self.symbols = symbols
self.freq = freq
self.lookback = lookback
self.strategy = strategy
self.variables = variables
self.weight_btc = weight_btc
self.filters = filters = name
class TradingPortfolio():
"""Connect Binance account.
The core class to connect Binance with API, in order to connect account info,
register strategt.
binance_key: A str of is binance authorization key.
binance_secret: A str of is binance authorization secret.
def __init__(self, binance_key, binance_secret):
self._client = Client(api_key=binance_key, api_secret=binance_secret)
self._trading_methods = []
self._margins = {}
self.ticker_info = TickerInfo(self._client)
self.quote_asset = 'BTC'
self.default_stable_coin = 'USDT'
def set_default_stable_coin(self, token):
self.default_stable_coin = token
def register(self, trading_method):
"""Rigister TradingMethod object.
trading_method: A object of TradingMethod().
def register_margin(self, asset, weight_btc):
"""Rigister weight_btc as operation amount.
asset: A str of asset name (ex: 'USDT')
weight_btc: A float of btc for each commodity operation (ex: 0.2)
self._margins[asset] = weight_btc
def get_all_symbol_lookback(self):
"""Get all symbol lookback.
Use in get_ohlcvs(self) function.
A dict of OHLCV lookback.
symbol_lookbacks = {}
for method in self._trading_methods:
for a in method.symbols:
if (a, method.freq) not in symbol_lookbacks or method.lookback > symbol_lookbacks[(a, method.freq)]:
symbol_lookbacks[(a, method.freq)] = method.lookback
# add quote asset historical data
addition = {}
for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items():
base_asset = self.ticker_info.get_base_asset(symbol)
if base_asset != self.quote_asset:
new_symbol = base_asset + self.quote_asset
addition[(new_symbol, freq)] = lookback
return {**symbol_lookbacks, **addition}
def get_ohlcvs(self):
"""Getting histrical price data through binance api.
A DataFrame of OHLCV data , the number of data length is lookback.
symbol_lookbacks = self.get_all_symbol_lookback()
ohlcvs = {}
for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items():
ohlcvs[(symbol, freq)] = get_nbars_binance(symbol, freq, lookback, self._client)
return ohlcvs
def get_full_ohlcvs(self):
"""Getting all histrical price data through binance api.
A DataFrame of OHLCV data for all.
symbol_lookbacks = self.get_all_symbol_lookback()
ohlcvs = {}
for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items():
ohlcvs[(symbol, freq)] = get_all_binance(symbol, freq)
return ohlcvs
def get_latest_signals(self, ohlcvs, html=False):
"""Get latest signals dataframe.
Choose which strategy to implement on widgets GUI.
ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbel.
html: A bool of controlling html generation.
A dataframe of latest_signals data,
The last_signals column is bool value of whether to execute the transaction.
The value_in_btc column is present value of assets.
ret = []
for method in self._trading_methods:
for symbol in method.symbols:
ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)]
htmlname = f'{symbol}-{method.freq}-{}.html' if html else None
result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv,
method.variables, filters=method.filters, plot=html,
freq=method.freq, fees=0., slippage=0.)
signal =[-1] == 0
return_ = 0
# find weight_btc if it is in the nested dictionary
weight_btc = method.weight_btc
if isinstance(weight_btc, dict):
weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol]
if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default'])
entry_price = 0
entry_time = 0
value_in_btc = 0
if signal:
txn = result.positions().records
rds = result.orders().records
return_ = ohlcv.close.iloc[-1] / rds['price'].iloc[-1] - 1
entry_price = rds['price'].iloc[-1]
entry_time = ohlcv.index[int(rds.iloc[-1]['idx'])]
base_asset = self.ticker_info.get_base_asset(symbol)
if base_asset != self.quote_asset:
quote_asset_symbol = base_asset + self.quote_asset
quote_asset_price_previous = ohlcvs[(quote_asset_symbol, method.freq)].close.loc[entry_time]
quote_asset_price_now = ohlcvs[(quote_asset_symbol, method.freq)].close.iloc[-1]
quote_asset_price_previous = 1
quote_asset_price_now = 1
value_in_btc = weight_btc / quote_asset_price_previous * quote_asset_price_now
'symbol': symbol,
'method name':,
'latest_signal': signal,
'weight_btc': weight_btc,
'freq': method.freq,
'return': return_,
'value_in_btc': value_in_btc * signal,
'latest_price': ohlcv.close.iloc[-1],
'entry_price': entry_price,
'entry_time': entry_time,
'html': htmlname,
ret = pd.DataFrame(ret)
return ret
def calculate_position_size(self, signals, rebalance_threshold=0.03, excluded_assets=list()):
"""Calculate the proportion of asset orders.
Calculate data is based on latest signals dataframe.
signals: A dataframe of signals.
rebalance_threshold: A float of rebalance_threshold.
excluded_assets: A list of asset name which are excluded calculation.
diff_value: A dataframe of how many assets to deposit for each cryptocurrency.
diff_value_btc: A dataframe of converting cryptocurrency to BTC.
transaction: A dataframe of transaction(new order) data.
if self.default_stable_coin not in excluded_assets:
signals['base_asset'] =
signals['quote_asset'] =
signals['base_value_btc'] = signals.latest_signal * signals.value_in_btc
signals['quote_value_btc'] = -(signals.latest_signal.astype(int) * signals.weight_btc)
quote_asset_list = list(set(signals.quote_asset))
# calculate base and quote assets (in btc term)
base_asset_value = pd.Series(signals.base_value_btc.values, index=signals.base_asset)
quote_asset_value = pd.Series(signals.quote_value_btc.values, index=signals.quote_asset)
base_asset_value = base_asset_value.groupby(level=0).sum()
quote_asset_value = quote_asset_value.groupby(level=0).sum()
# get position
position = pd.Series({i['asset']: i['free'] for i in['balances']
if float(i['free']) != 0}).astype(float)
position = position[position.index.str[:2] != 'LD']
# refine asset index
all_assets = base_asset_value.index | quote_asset_value.index | position.index
base_asset_value = base_asset_value.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0)
quote_asset_value = quote_asset_value.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0)
position = position.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0)
# calculate algo value
algo_value_in_btc = base_asset_value + quote_asset_value
asset_price_in_btc =
algo_value = algo_value_in_btc / asset_price_in_btc
# calculate diffierence
margin_position = pd.Series(self._margins).reindex(all_assets).fillna(0)
diff_value_btc = pd.DataFrame({
'algo_p': algo_value_in_btc,
'margin_p': margin_position * asset_price_in_btc,
'estimate_p': algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc,
'present_p': position * asset_price_in_btc,
'difference': (algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc).clip(0,None) - position * asset_price_in_btc,
'rebalance_threshold': (algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc).abs() * rebalance_threshold,
diff_value_btc['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc['difference'].abs() > diff_value_btc['rebalance_threshold']
diff_value_btc.loc[quote_asset_list, 'rebalance'] = True
# excluding checking of asset positions
excluded = pd.Series(True, diff_value_btc.index)
excluded[diff_value_btc.index.isin(signals.quote_asset) | diff_value_btc.index.isin(signals.base_asset)] = False
excluded[diff_value_btc.index.isin(excluded_assets)] = True
diff_value_btc['excluded'] = excluded
diff_value = diff_value_btc.copy()
diff_value = diff_value.div(asset_price_in_btc, axis=0)
diff_value.rebalance = diff_value.rebalance != 0
diff_value.excluded = diff_value.excluded != 0
# calculate transactions
rebalance_value_btc = diff_value_btc.rebalance * diff_value_btc.difference * (~diff_value_btc.excluded)
increase_asset_amount = rebalance_value_btc[rebalance_value_btc > 0]
decrease_asset_amount = rebalance_value_btc[rebalance_value_btc < 0]
diff_value_btc['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc['difference'].abs() > diff_value_btc['rebalance_threshold']
diff_value['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc.rebalance
txn_btc = {}
for nai, ai in increase_asset_amount.items():
for nad, ad in decrease_asset_amount.items():
symbol = nad + nai
amount = min(-ad, ai)
is_valid = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol',
symbol) is not None and nai in quote_asset_list
if is_valid:
increase_asset_amount.loc[nai] -= amount
decrease_asset_amount.loc[nad] += amount
txn_btc[symbol] = -amount
symbol = nai + nad
is_valid = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol',
symbol) is not None and nad in quote_asset_list
if is_valid:
increase_asset_amount.loc[nai] -= amount
decrease_asset_amount.loc[nad] += amount
txn_btc[symbol] = amount
# assumption: self.default_stable_coin can be the quote asset for all alt-coins
transaction_btc = increase_asset_amount.append(decrease_asset_amount)
transaction_btc.index = transaction_btc.index + self.default_stable_coin
if self.default_stable_coin in transaction_btc.index:
transaction_btc = transaction_btc.append(pd.Series(txn_btc))
transaction = transaction_btc.to_frame(name='value_in_btc')
transaction['base_asset'] =
transaction['quote_asset'] =
transaction['value'] = transaction['value_in_btc'] /
transaction['price'] =
lambda s: self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol', s)['price'])
transaction = transaction.groupby(level=0).agg(
dict(value_in_btc='sum', value='sum', base_asset='first', quote_asset='first', price='first'))
transaction = transaction[transaction.value != 0]
# check difference after transaction
def asset_distributed(v):
asset_increase = v.value_in_btc.groupby(v.base_asset).sum()
asset_decrease = v.value_in_btc.groupby(v.quote_asset).sum()
return asset_increase.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) - asset_decrease.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0)
verify_assets = asset_distributed(transaction)
verify_assets = verify_assets[verify_assets != 0]
verify = (verify_assets / diff_value_btc.difference.reindex(verify_assets.index) - 1).abs() < 0.001
assert verify[verify.index != self.default_stable_coin].all()
raise Exception("validation fail")
# filter out orders where base asset is in quote asset list (ex: btcusdt)
# assumption: base asset should only be paired by one quote asset
transaction = transaction[~(transaction.base_asset.isin(quote_asset_list) & (
transaction.value_in_btc.abs() < diff_value_btc.loc[
# verify diff_value
def get_filters(exinfo, symbol):
filters = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol)['filters']
min_lot_size = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'LOT_SIZE')['minQty']
step_size = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'LOT_SIZE')['stepSize']
min_notional = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'MIN_NOTIONAL')['minNotional']
return {
'min_lot_size': min_lot_size,
'step_size': step_size,
'min_notional': min_notional,
filters = pd.DataFrame(
{s: get_filters(self.ticker_info.exinfo, s) for s in transaction.index}).transpose().astype(float)
if len(transaction) != 0:
min_notional = filters.min_notional
minimum_lot_size = filters.min_lot_size
step_size = filters.step_size
# rebalance filter:
diff = transaction['value']
# step size filter
diff = round((diff / step_size).astype(int) * step_size, 9)
# minimum lot filter
diff[diff.abs() < minimum_lot_size] = 0
# minimum notional filter
diff[diff.abs() * transaction.price.astype(float) < min_notional] = 0
transaction['final_value'] = diff
transaction['final_value_in_btc'] = diff *
transaction = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=['final_value'])
transaction = transaction[transaction['final_value'] != 0]
return diff_value, diff_value_btc, transaction
def execute_orders(self, transactions, mode='TEST'):
"""Execute orders to Binance.
Execute orders by program order.
transactions: A dataframe which is generated by transaction in calculate_position_size() function result.
mode: A str of transactions mode, we have 3 method.
'TEST' is simulation.
'MARKET' is market order which is transaction at the current latest price.
'LIMIT' is The transaction is done at the specified price. If the specified price is not touched,
the transaction has not been completed.
A dataframe of trades.
def cancel_orders(symbol):
orders = self._client.get_open_orders(symbol=symbol)
for o in orders:
self._client.cancel_order(symbol=symbol, orderId=o['orderId'])
order_func = self._client.create_order if mode == 'MARKET' or mode == 'LIMIT' else self._client.create_test_order
print('|---------EXECUTION LOG----------|')
print('| time: ','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
trades = {}
for s, lot in transactions.final_value.items():
if lot == 0:
side = SIDE_BUY if lot > 0 else SIDE_SELL
args = dict(
if mode == 'LIMIT':
args['price'] = transactions.price.loc[s]
args['type'] = ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT
args['timeInForce'] = 'GTC'
order_result = 'success'
print('|', mode, s, side, abs(lot), order_result)
except Exception as e:
print('| FAIL', s, s, side, abs(lot), str(e))
order_result = 'FAIL: ' + str(e)
trades[s] = {
'result': order_result,
return pd.DataFrame(trades).transpose()
def status(self, ohlcvs):
"""Strategy list widgets.
Choose which strategy to implement on widgets GUI.
ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbol.
widget GUI
import ipywidgets as widgets
ret = pd.DataFrame()
full_results = []
for method in self._trading_methods:
for symbol in method.symbols:
ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)]
result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv,
method.variables, filters=method.filters, freq=method.freq)
ret[ + '-' + symbol + '-' + method.freq] = result.cumulative_returns
weight_btc = method.weight_btc
if isinstance(weight_btc, dict):
weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol]
if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default'])
'symbol': symbol,
'freq': method.freq,
'weight': weight_btc,
'portfolio': result,
'trading_method': method,
'signal':[-1] == 0,
method_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=[ + '-' + str(i) for i, m in enumerate(self._trading_methods)])
symbol_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=[symbol + '-' + freq for symbol, freq in ohlcvs.keys()])
backtest_btn = widgets.Button(description='status')
backtest_panel = widgets.Output()
option_panel = widgets.Output()
def plotly_df(df):
"""Display plot.
# Plot
fig = px.line()
for sname, s in df.items():
fig.add_scatter(x=s.index, y=s.values, name=sname) # Not what is desired - need a line
def backtest(_):
"""Display single strategy backtest result.
method_id = int(method_dropdown.value.split('-')[-1])
history_id = tuple(symbol_dropdown.value.split('-'))
ohlcv = ohlcvs[history_id]
strategy = self._trading_methods[method_id].strategy
svars = self._trading_methods[method_id].variables
filters = self._trading_methods[method_id].filters
strategy.backtest(ohlcv, variables=svars, filters=filters, freq=history_id[-1], plot=True)
dropdowns = widgets.HBox([method_dropdown, symbol_dropdown, backtest_btn])
with option_panel:
return widgets.VBox([option_panel, dropdowns, backtest_panel])
def portfolio_backtest(self, ohlcvs, min_freq, quote_assets=['BTC', 'USDT', 'BUSD', 'USDC'], fee=0.002, delay=0):
"""Display portfolio backtest result.
Calculate overall account asset changes.
Unit is USD
ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbel.
min_freq: A str of calculation frequency ex('4h').
quote_assets: A list of assets name ex(['BTC', 'USDT', 'BUSD', 'ETH']).
fee: A float of trading fee.
delay: A int of delayed entry and exit setting.
widget GUI
# backtest_results
results = []
for method in self._trading_methods:
for symbol in method.symbols:
ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)]
result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv,
method.variables, filters=method.filters, freq=method.freq)
# find weight_btc if it is in the nested dictionary
weight_btc = method.weight_btc
if isinstance(weight_btc, dict):
weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol]
if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default'])
'symbol': symbol,
'freq': method.freq,
'weight': weight_btc,
'portfolio': result,
'trading_method': method,
'signal':[-1] == 0,
results = pd.DataFrame(results)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
position = {}
quote_substract = {}
for index, value in results.transpose().items():
position[value.loc['name'] + '|' + value.symbol + '|' + value.freq] = ( == 0).shift(
delay).ffill() * value.weight
position = pd.DataFrame(position).resample(min_freq).last().ffill()
position.columns = position.columns.str.split('|').str[1]
position = position.ffill().fillna(0)
position = position.groupby(position.columns, axis=1).sum()
# find quote assets
quote_asset_col = []
for symbol in position.columns:
for q in quote_assets:
if symbol[-len(q):] == q:
quote_position = position.copy()
quote_position.columns = quote_asset_col
quote_position = -quote_position.groupby(quote_position.columns, axis=1).sum()
# calculate return in usdt
assets = position.columns.str.split('|').str[0].to_list()
for i, a in enumerate(assets):
for q in quote_assets:
if len(a) > 5 and a[-len(q):] == q:
assets[i] = a[:-len(q)]
position.columns = assets
position = position.groupby(position.columns, axis=1).sum()
quote_position = quote_position.groupby(quote_position.columns, axis=1).sum()
all_symbols = list(set(quote_position.columns) | set(position.columns) | set(self._margins.keys()))
if 'USDT' not in all_symbols:
position = position.reindex(all_symbols, axis=1).fillna(0) + quote_position.reindex(all_symbols, axis=1).fillna(
ohlcv_usdt = {a: get_all_binance(a + 'USDT', min_freq) for a in position.columns if a != 'USDT'}
initial_margin_sum_btc = 0
for a, w in self._margins.items():
position[a] += self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc(a) * w
initial_margin_sum_btc += self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc(a) * w
# remove negative position
negative_position = ((position < 0) * position).drop('USDT', axis=1, errors='ignore').sum(axis=1)
pusdt = position['USDT'].copy()
position = position.clip(0, None)
position.USDT = pusdt + negative_position
addition_usdt = -min(position.USDT.min(), 0) / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc('USDT')
if addition_usdt > 0:
print('WARRN**: additional usdt is required: ', addition_usdt, ' USD')
p = position.loc[position.index[(position != position.shift()).abs().sum(axis=1) != 0] | position.index[-1:]]
p.index = p.index.tz_localize(None)
ohlcv_usdt_close = pd.DataFrame({name: s.close for name, s in ohlcv_usdt.items()})
ohlcv_usdt_close.index = ohlcv_usdt_close.index.tz_localize(None)
rebalance_time = (p.index & ohlcv_usdt_close.index)
ohlcv_usdt_close = ohlcv_usdt_close.loc[rebalance_time]
p = p.loc[rebalance_time].fillna(0)
asset_return = ((ohlcv_usdt_close.pct_change().shift(-1).fillna(0)) * p) - fee * (p - p.shift()).abs()
asset_return.fillna(0, inplace=True)
(asset_return.cumsum() / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc('USDT')).plot()
s = (asset_return.sum(axis=1).cumsum() + initial_margin_sum_btc) / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc(
(s / s.cummax()).plot()
return results
def render_html(signals, position, position_btc, orders, order_results):
"""Render html to google cloud platform.
Integrate order data into tables that display in html.
signals_df: A dataframe of signals which are generated by TradingPortfolio().get_latest_signals().
rebalance_df: A dataframe of diff_value which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size().
rebalance_df_in_btc: A dataframe of diff_value_btc which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size().
orders: A dataframe of transaction which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size().
order_results: A dataframe of execute_orders which are generated by TradingPortfolio().execute_orders().
html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Saying Hello</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/build/pure-min.css" integrity="sha384-cg6SkqEOCV1NbJoCu11+bm0NvBRc8IYLRGXkmNrqUBfTjmMYwNKPWBTIKyw9mHNJ" crossorigin="anonymous">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<body style="padding: 5vw">
html += '<h1>Crypto Portfolio</h1>'
html += '<h2>Strategy signals</h2>'
html += signals.to_html(classes="pure-table pure-table-horizontal")
html += '<h2>Position</h2>'
html += position.to_html(classes="pure-table pure-table-horizontal")
html += '<h2>Position in BTC</h2>'
html += position_btc.to_html(classes="pure-table pure-table-horizontal")
html += '<h2>Orders</h2>'
if len(orders) > 0:
orders['result'] = order_results['result']
html += orders.to_html(classes="pure-table pure-table-horizontal")
html += '<p>None</p>'
html += '<br>'
html += '<button onclick="update_position(\'MARKET\')">place market orders</button>'
html += '<button onclick="update_position(\'LIMIT\')">place limit orders</button>'
html += '</body>'
html += """
function update_position(mode) {
// Redirect to next page
var next_page = window.location.href.split("?")[0] + "?mode=" + mode
window.location = next_page;
return html
def render_html(signals, position, position_btc, orders, order_results)
Render html to google cloud platform.
Integrate order data into tables that display in html.
- A dataframe of signals which are generated by TradingPortfolio().get_latest_signals().
- A dataframe of diff_value which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size().
- A dataframe of diff_value_btc which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size().
- A dataframe of transaction which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size().
- A dataframe of execute_orders which are generated by TradingPortfolio().execute_orders().
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def render_html(signals, position, position_btc, orders, order_results): """Render html to google cloud platform. Integrate order data into tables that display in html. Args: signals_df: A dataframe of signals which are generated by TradingPortfolio().get_latest_signals(). rebalance_df: A dataframe of diff_value which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size(). rebalance_df_in_btc: A dataframe of diff_value_btc which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size(). orders: A dataframe of transaction which are generated by TradingPortfolio().calculate_position_size(). order_results: A dataframe of execute_orders which are generated by TradingPortfolio().execute_orders(). Returns: html """ html = """ <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Saying Hello</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/build/pure-min.css" integrity="sha384-cg6SkqEOCV1NbJoCu11+bm0NvBRc8IYLRGXkmNrqUBfTjmMYwNKPWBTIKyw9mHNJ" crossorigin="anonymous"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> </head> <body style="padding: 5vw"> """ html += '<h1>Crypto Portfolio</h1>' html += '<h2>Strategy signals</h2>' html += signals.to_html(classes="pure-table pure-table-horizontal") html += '<h2>Position</h2>' html += position.to_html(classes="pure-table pure-table-horizontal") html += '<h2>Position in BTC</h2>' html += position_btc.to_html(classes="pure-table pure-table-horizontal") html += '<h2>Orders</h2>' if len(orders) > 0: orders['result'] = order_results['result'] html += orders.to_html(classes="pure-table pure-table-horizontal") else: html += '<p>None</p>' html += '<br>' html += '<button onclick="update_position(\'MARKET\')">place market orders</button>' html += '<button onclick="update_position(\'LIMIT\')">place limit orders</button>' html += '</body>' html += """ <script> function update_position(mode) { // Redirect to next page var next_page = window.location.href.split("?")[0] + "?mode=" + mode window.location = next_page; } </script> """ return html
class TickerInfo (client)
Ticker basic info.
Get asset amount and convert price to BTC .
- A Binance client object where api_key, api_secret is required.
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class TickerInfo(): """Ticker basic info. Get asset amount and convert price to BTC . Attributes: client: A Binance client object where api_key, api_secret is required. """ def __init__(self, client): self.exinfo = client.get_exchange_info() = client.get_account() self.tickers = client.get_symbol_ticker() @staticmethod def _list_select(list, key, value): ret = [l for l in list if l[key] == value] if len(ret) == 0: return None else: return ret[0] def get_base_asset(self, symbol): """Get base asset data of a given symbol. Args: symbol: A str of trading target name. Returns: A str of base asset (ex: 'BTC'). """ sinfo = self._list_select(self.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol) return sinfo['baseAsset'] def get_quote_asset(self, symbol): """Get quote asset data of a given symbol. Args: symbol: A str of trading target name. Returns: A float of quote asset. """ sinfo = self._list_select(self.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol) return sinfo['quoteAsset'] def get_asset_price_in_btc(self, asset): """Convert price to BTC . Args: asset: A str of asset name (ex: 'ETH'). Returns: A float of price in BTC. """ if asset == 'BTC': return 1 ret = self._list_select(self.tickers, 'symbol', asset + 'BTC') if ret is not None: return float(ret['price']) ret = self._list_select(self.tickers, 'symbol', 'BTC' + asset) if ret is not None: return 1 / float(ret['price']) return None
def get_asset_price_in_btc(self, asset)
Convert price to BTC .
- A str of asset name (ex: 'ETH').
A float of price in BTC.
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def get_asset_price_in_btc(self, asset): """Convert price to BTC . Args: asset: A str of asset name (ex: 'ETH'). Returns: A float of price in BTC. """ if asset == 'BTC': return 1 ret = self._list_select(self.tickers, 'symbol', asset + 'BTC') if ret is not None: return float(ret['price']) ret = self._list_select(self.tickers, 'symbol', 'BTC' + asset) if ret is not None: return 1 / float(ret['price']) return None
def get_base_asset(self, symbol)
Get base asset data of a given symbol.
- A str of trading target name.
A str of base asset (ex: 'BTC').
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def get_base_asset(self, symbol): """Get base asset data of a given symbol. Args: symbol: A str of trading target name. Returns: A str of base asset (ex: 'BTC'). """ sinfo = self._list_select(self.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol) return sinfo['baseAsset']
def get_quote_asset(self, symbol)
Get quote asset data of a given symbol.
- A str of trading target name.
A float of quote asset.
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def get_quote_asset(self, symbol): """Get quote asset data of a given symbol. Args: symbol: A str of trading target name. Returns: A float of quote asset. """ sinfo = self._list_select(self.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol) return sinfo['quoteAsset']
class TradingMethod (symbols, freq, lookback, strategy, variables, weight_btc, filters=None, name='')
Trading method in online init setting.
Create trading method object for TradingPortfolio register .
- A list of trading pair (ex: ['USDTBTC','ETHBTC']).
- A str of trading time period (ex: '4h').
- An int of the length of historical data (ex:1000).
- A function that is your customized strategy (ex:trend_strategy).
- A dict of your customized strategy attributes (ex:dict(name='sma',n1=30,n2=130,),).
- A float of btc for each commodity operation (ex: 0.2).
- A dict that is your customized filter (ex:{}).
- A str of your trading method name (ex:'altcoin-trend-hullma').
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class TradingMethod(): """Trading method in online init setting. Create trading method object for TradingPortfolio register . Attributes: symbols: A list of trading pair (ex: ['USDTBTC','ETHBTC']). freq: A str of trading time period (ex: '4h'). lookback: An int of the length of historical data (ex:1000). strategy: A function that is your customized strategy (ex:trend_strategy). variables: A dict of your customized strategy attributes (ex:dict(name='sma',n1=30,n2=130,),). weight_btc: A float of btc for each commodity operation (ex: 0.2). filters: A dict that is your customized filter (ex:{}). name: A str of your trading method name (ex:'altcoin-trend-hullma'). """ def __init__(self, symbols, freq, lookback, strategy, variables, weight_btc, filters=None, name=''): self.symbols = symbols self.freq = freq self.lookback = lookback self.strategy = strategy self.variables = variables self.weight_btc = weight_btc self.filters = filters = name
class TradingPortfolio (binance_key, binance_secret)
Connect Binance account.
The core class to connect Binance with API, in order to connect account info, register strategt.
- A str of is binance authorization key.
- A str of is binance authorization secret.
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class TradingPortfolio(): """Connect Binance account. The core class to connect Binance with API, in order to connect account info, register strategt. Attributes: binance_key: A str of is binance authorization key. binance_secret: A str of is binance authorization secret. """ def __init__(self, binance_key, binance_secret): self._client = Client(api_key=binance_key, api_secret=binance_secret) self._trading_methods = [] self._margins = {} self.ticker_info = TickerInfo(self._client) self.quote_asset = 'BTC' self.default_stable_coin = 'USDT' def set_default_stable_coin(self, token): self.default_stable_coin = token def register(self, trading_method): """Rigister TradingMethod object. Args: trading_method: A object of TradingMethod(). """ self._trading_methods.append(trading_method) def register_margin(self, asset, weight_btc): """Rigister weight_btc as operation amount. Args: asset: A str of asset name (ex: 'USDT') weight_btc: A float of btc for each commodity operation (ex: 0.2) """ self._margins[asset] = weight_btc def get_all_symbol_lookback(self): """Get all symbol lookback. Use in get_ohlcvs(self) function. Returns: A dict of OHLCV lookback. """ symbol_lookbacks = {} for method in self._trading_methods: for a in method.symbols: if (a, method.freq) not in symbol_lookbacks or method.lookback > symbol_lookbacks[(a, method.freq)]: symbol_lookbacks[(a, method.freq)] = method.lookback # add quote asset historical data addition = {} for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items(): base_asset = self.ticker_info.get_base_asset(symbol) if base_asset != self.quote_asset: new_symbol = base_asset + self.quote_asset addition[(new_symbol, freq)] = lookback return {**symbol_lookbacks, **addition} def get_ohlcvs(self): """Getting histrical price data through binance api. Returns: A DataFrame of OHLCV data , the number of data length is lookback. """ symbol_lookbacks = self.get_all_symbol_lookback() ohlcvs = {} for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items(): ohlcvs[(symbol, freq)] = get_nbars_binance(symbol, freq, lookback, self._client) return ohlcvs def get_full_ohlcvs(self): """Getting all histrical price data through binance api. Returns: A DataFrame of OHLCV data for all. """ symbol_lookbacks = self.get_all_symbol_lookback() ohlcvs = {} for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items(): ohlcvs[(symbol, freq)] = get_all_binance(symbol, freq) time.sleep(3) return ohlcvs def get_latest_signals(self, ohlcvs, html=False): """Get latest signals dataframe. Choose which strategy to implement on widgets GUI. Args: ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbel. html: A bool of controlling html generation. Returns: A dataframe of latest_signals data, The last_signals column is bool value of whether to execute the transaction. The value_in_btc column is present value of assets. """ ret = [] for method in self._trading_methods: for symbol in method.symbols: ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)] htmlname = f'{symbol}-{method.freq}-{}.html' if html else None result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv, method.variables, filters=method.filters, plot=html, html=htmlname, freq=method.freq, fees=0., slippage=0.) signal =[-1] == 0 return_ = 0 # find weight_btc if it is in the nested dictionary weight_btc = method.weight_btc if isinstance(weight_btc, dict): weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol] if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default']) entry_price = 0 entry_time = 0 value_in_btc = 0 if signal: txn = result.positions().records rds = result.orders().records return_ = ohlcv.close.iloc[-1] / rds['price'].iloc[-1] - 1 entry_price = rds['price'].iloc[-1] entry_time = ohlcv.index[int(rds.iloc[-1]['idx'])] base_asset = self.ticker_info.get_base_asset(symbol) if base_asset != self.quote_asset: quote_asset_symbol = base_asset + self.quote_asset quote_asset_price_previous = ohlcvs[(quote_asset_symbol, method.freq)].close.loc[entry_time] quote_asset_price_now = ohlcvs[(quote_asset_symbol, method.freq)].close.iloc[-1] else: quote_asset_price_previous = 1 quote_asset_price_now = 1 value_in_btc = weight_btc / quote_asset_price_previous * quote_asset_price_now ret.append({ 'symbol': symbol, 'method name':, 'latest_signal': signal, 'weight_btc': weight_btc, 'freq': method.freq, 'return': return_, 'value_in_btc': value_in_btc * signal, 'latest_price': ohlcv.close.iloc[-1], 'entry_price': entry_price, 'entry_time': entry_time, 'html': htmlname, }) ret = pd.DataFrame(ret) return ret def calculate_position_size(self, signals, rebalance_threshold=0.03, excluded_assets=list()): """Calculate the proportion of asset orders. Calculate data is based on latest signals dataframe. Args: signals: A dataframe of signals. rebalance_threshold: A float of rebalance_threshold. excluded_assets: A list of asset name which are excluded calculation. Returns: diff_value: A dataframe of how many assets to deposit for each cryptocurrency. diff_value_btc: A dataframe of converting cryptocurrency to BTC. transaction: A dataframe of transaction(new order) data. """ if self.default_stable_coin not in excluded_assets: excluded_assets.append(self.default_stable_coin) signals['base_asset'] = signals['quote_asset'] = signals['base_value_btc'] = signals.latest_signal * signals.value_in_btc signals['quote_value_btc'] = -(signals.latest_signal.astype(int) * signals.weight_btc) quote_asset_list = list(set(signals.quote_asset)) # calculate base and quote assets (in btc term) base_asset_value = pd.Series(signals.base_value_btc.values, index=signals.base_asset) quote_asset_value = pd.Series(signals.quote_value_btc.values, index=signals.quote_asset) base_asset_value = base_asset_value.groupby(level=0).sum() quote_asset_value = quote_asset_value.groupby(level=0).sum() # get position position = pd.Series({i['asset']: i['free'] for i in['balances'] if float(i['free']) != 0}).astype(float) position = position[position.index.str[:2] != 'LD'] print(position) # refine asset index all_assets = base_asset_value.index | quote_asset_value.index | position.index base_asset_value = base_asset_value.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) quote_asset_value = quote_asset_value.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) position = position.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) # calculate algo value algo_value_in_btc = base_asset_value + quote_asset_value asset_price_in_btc = algo_value = algo_value_in_btc / asset_price_in_btc # calculate diffierence margin_position = pd.Series(self._margins).reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) diff_value_btc = pd.DataFrame({ 'algo_p': algo_value_in_btc, 'margin_p': margin_position * asset_price_in_btc, 'estimate_p': algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc, 'present_p': position * asset_price_in_btc, 'difference': (algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc).clip(0,None) - position * asset_price_in_btc, 'rebalance_threshold': (algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc).abs() * rebalance_threshold, }) diff_value_btc['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc['difference'].abs() > diff_value_btc['rebalance_threshold'] diff_value_btc.loc[quote_asset_list, 'rebalance'] = True # excluding checking of asset positions excluded = pd.Series(True, diff_value_btc.index) excluded[diff_value_btc.index.isin(signals.quote_asset) | diff_value_btc.index.isin(signals.base_asset)] = False excluded[diff_value_btc.index.isin(excluded_assets)] = True diff_value_btc['excluded'] = excluded diff_value = diff_value_btc.copy() diff_value = diff_value.div(asset_price_in_btc, axis=0) diff_value.rebalance = diff_value.rebalance != 0 diff_value.excluded = diff_value.excluded != 0 # calculate transactions rebalance_value_btc = diff_value_btc.rebalance * diff_value_btc.difference * (~diff_value_btc.excluded) increase_asset_amount = rebalance_value_btc[rebalance_value_btc > 0] decrease_asset_amount = rebalance_value_btc[rebalance_value_btc < 0] diff_value_btc['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc['difference'].abs() > diff_value_btc['rebalance_threshold'] diff_value['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc.rebalance txn_btc = {} for nai, ai in increase_asset_amount.items(): for nad, ad in decrease_asset_amount.items(): symbol = nad + nai amount = min(-ad, ai) is_valid = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol', symbol) is not None and nai in quote_asset_list if is_valid: increase_asset_amount.loc[nai] -= amount decrease_asset_amount.loc[nad] += amount txn_btc[symbol] = -amount continue symbol = nai + nad is_valid = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol', symbol) is not None and nad in quote_asset_list if is_valid: increase_asset_amount.loc[nai] -= amount decrease_asset_amount.loc[nad] += amount txn_btc[symbol] = amount continue # assumption: self.default_stable_coin can be the quote asset for all alt-coins transaction_btc = increase_asset_amount.append(decrease_asset_amount) transaction_btc.index = transaction_btc.index + self.default_stable_coin if self.default_stable_coin in transaction_btc.index: transaction_btc.pop(self.default_stable_coin+self.default_stable_coin) transaction_btc = transaction_btc.append(pd.Series(txn_btc)) transaction = transaction_btc.to_frame(name='value_in_btc') print(transaction) transaction['base_asset'] = transaction['quote_asset'] = transaction['value'] = transaction['value_in_btc'] / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc) transaction['price'] = lambda s: self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol', s)['price']) transaction = transaction.groupby(level=0).agg( dict(value_in_btc='sum', value='sum', base_asset='first', quote_asset='first', price='first')) transaction = transaction[transaction.value != 0] # check difference after transaction def asset_distributed(v): asset_increase = v.value_in_btc.groupby(v.base_asset).sum() asset_decrease = v.value_in_btc.groupby(v.quote_asset).sum() return asset_increase.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) - asset_decrease.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) verify_assets = asset_distributed(transaction) verify_assets = verify_assets[verify_assets != 0] verify = (verify_assets / diff_value_btc.difference.reindex(verify_assets.index) - 1).abs() < 0.001 try: assert verify[verify.index != self.default_stable_coin].all() except: print(diff_value_btc) print(transaction) print(verify_assets) print(verify) raise Exception("validation fail") # filter out orders where base asset is in quote asset list (ex: btcusdt) # assumption: base asset should only be paired by one quote asset transaction = transaction[~(transaction.base_asset.isin(quote_asset_list) & ( transaction.value_in_btc.abs() < diff_value_btc.loc[ transaction['base_asset']].rebalance_threshold.values))] # verify diff_value def get_filters(exinfo, symbol): filters = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol)['filters'] min_lot_size = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'LOT_SIZE')['minQty'] step_size = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'LOT_SIZE')['stepSize'] min_notional = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'MIN_NOTIONAL')['minNotional'] return { 'min_lot_size': min_lot_size, 'step_size': step_size, 'min_notional': min_notional, } filters = pd.DataFrame( {s: get_filters(self.ticker_info.exinfo, s) for s in transaction.index}).transpose().astype(float) if len(transaction) != 0: min_notional = filters.min_notional minimum_lot_size = filters.min_lot_size step_size = filters.step_size # rebalance filter: diff = transaction['value'] # step size filter diff = round((diff / step_size).astype(int) * step_size, 9) # minimum lot filter diff[diff.abs() < minimum_lot_size] = 0 # minimum notional filter diff[diff.abs() * transaction.price.astype(float) < min_notional] = 0 transaction['final_value'] = diff transaction['final_value_in_btc'] = diff * self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc) else: transaction = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=['final_value']) transaction = transaction[transaction['final_value'] != 0] return diff_value, diff_value_btc, transaction def execute_orders(self, transactions, mode='TEST'): """Execute orders to Binance. Execute orders by program order. Args: transactions: A dataframe which is generated by transaction in calculate_position_size() function result. mode: A str of transactions mode, we have 3 method. 'TEST' is simulation. 'MARKET' is market order which is transaction at the current latest price. 'LIMIT' is The transaction is done at the specified price. If the specified price is not touched, the transaction has not been completed. Returns: A dataframe of trades. """ def cancel_orders(symbol): orders = self._client.get_open_orders(symbol=symbol) for o in orders: self._client.cancel_order(symbol=symbol, orderId=o['orderId']) order_func = self._client.create_order if mode == 'MARKET' or mode == 'LIMIT' else self._client.create_test_order print('|---------EXECUTION LOG----------|') print('| time: ','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) trades = {} for s, lot in transactions.final_value.items(): cancel_orders(s) if lot == 0: continue side = SIDE_BUY if lot > 0 else SIDE_SELL try: args = dict( side=side, type=ORDER_TYPE_MARKET, symbol=s, quantity=abs(lot)) if mode == 'LIMIT': args['price'] = transactions.price.loc[s] args['type'] = ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT args['timeInForce'] = 'GTC' order_func(**args) order_result = 'success' print('|', mode, s, side, abs(lot), order_result) except Exception as e: print('| FAIL', s, s, side, abs(lot), str(e)) order_result = 'FAIL: ' + str(e) trades[s] = { **args, 'result': order_result, } return pd.DataFrame(trades).transpose() def status(self, ohlcvs): """Strategy list widgets. Choose which strategy to implement on widgets GUI. Args: ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbol. Returns: widget GUI """ import ipywidgets as widgets ret = pd.DataFrame() full_results = [] for method in self._trading_methods: for symbol in method.symbols: ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)] result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv, method.variables, filters=method.filters, freq=method.freq) ret[ + '-' + symbol + '-' + method.freq] = result.cumulative_returns weight_btc = method.weight_btc if isinstance(weight_btc, dict): weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol] if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default']) full_results.append({ 'name':, 'symbol': symbol, 'freq': method.freq, 'weight': weight_btc, 'portfolio': result, 'trading_method': method, 'signal':[-1] == 0, }) method_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=[ + '-' + str(i) for i, m in enumerate(self._trading_methods)]) symbol_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=[symbol + '-' + freq for symbol, freq in ohlcvs.keys()]) backtest_btn = widgets.Button(description='status') backtest_panel = widgets.Output() option_panel = widgets.Output() def plotly_df(df): """Display plot. """ # Plot fig = px.line() for sname, s in df.items(): fig.add_scatter(x=s.index, y=s.values, name=sname) # Not what is desired - need a line # @backtest_panel.capture(clear_output=True) def backtest(_): """Display single strategy backtest result. """ method_id = int(method_dropdown.value.split('-')[-1]) history_id = tuple(symbol_dropdown.value.split('-')) ohlcv = ohlcvs[history_id] strategy = self._trading_methods[method_id].strategy svars = self._trading_methods[method_id].variables filters = self._trading_methods[method_id].filters strategy.backtest(ohlcv, variables=svars, filters=filters, freq=history_id[-1], plot=True) backtest_btn.on_click(backtest) dropdowns = widgets.HBox([method_dropdown, symbol_dropdown, backtest_btn]) with option_panel: plotly_df(ret) display(pd.DataFrame(full_results)) return widgets.VBox([option_panel, dropdowns, backtest_panel]) def portfolio_backtest(self, ohlcvs, min_freq, quote_assets=['BTC', 'USDT', 'BUSD', 'USDC'], fee=0.002, delay=0): """Display portfolio backtest result. Calculate overall account asset changes. Unit is USD Args: ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbel. min_freq: A str of calculation frequency ex('4h'). quote_assets: A list of assets name ex(['BTC', 'USDT', 'BUSD', 'ETH']). fee: A float of trading fee. delay: A int of delayed entry and exit setting. Returns: widget GUI """ # backtest_results results = [] for method in self._trading_methods: for symbol in method.symbols: ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)] result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv, method.variables, filters=method.filters, freq=method.freq) # find weight_btc if it is in the nested dictionary weight_btc = method.weight_btc if isinstance(weight_btc, dict): weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol] if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default']) results.append({ 'name':, 'symbol': symbol, 'freq': method.freq, 'weight': weight_btc, 'portfolio': result, 'trading_method': method, 'signal':[-1] == 0, }) results = pd.DataFrame(results) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt position = {} quote_substract = {} for index, value in results.transpose().items(): position[value.loc['name'] + '|' + value.symbol + '|' + value.freq] = ( == 0).shift( delay).ffill() * value.weight position = pd.DataFrame(position).resample(min_freq).last().ffill() position.columns = position.columns.str.split('|').str[1] position = position.ffill().fillna(0) position = position.groupby(position.columns, axis=1).sum() # find quote assets quote_asset_col = [] for symbol in position.columns: for q in quote_assets: if symbol[-len(q):] == q: quote_asset_col.append(q) break quote_position = position.copy() quote_position.columns = quote_asset_col quote_position = -quote_position.groupby(quote_position.columns, axis=1).sum() # calculate return in usdt assets = position.columns.str.split('|').str[0].to_list() for i, a in enumerate(assets): for q in quote_assets: if len(a) > 5 and a[-len(q):] == q: assets[i] = a[:-len(q)] position.columns = assets position = position.groupby(position.columns, axis=1).sum() quote_position = quote_position.groupby(quote_position.columns, axis=1).sum() all_symbols = list(set(quote_position.columns) | set(position.columns) | set(self._margins.keys())) if 'USDT' not in all_symbols: all_symbols.append('USDT') position = position.reindex(all_symbols, axis=1).fillna(0) + quote_position.reindex(all_symbols, axis=1).fillna( 0) ohlcv_usdt = {a: get_all_binance(a + 'USDT', min_freq) for a in position.columns if a != 'USDT'} initial_margin_sum_btc = 0 for a, w in self._margins.items(): position[a] += self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc(a) * w initial_margin_sum_btc += self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc(a) * w # remove negative position negative_position = ((position < 0) * position).drop('USDT', axis=1, errors='ignore').sum(axis=1) pusdt = position['USDT'].copy() position = position.clip(0, None) position.USDT = pusdt + negative_position addition_usdt = -min(position.USDT.min(), 0) / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc('USDT') if addition_usdt > 0: print('WARRN**: additional usdt is required: ', addition_usdt, ' USD') p = position.loc[position.index[(position != position.shift()).abs().sum(axis=1) != 0] | position.index[-1:]] p.index = p.index.tz_localize(None) ohlcv_usdt_close = pd.DataFrame({name: s.close for name, s in ohlcv_usdt.items()}) ohlcv_usdt_close.index = ohlcv_usdt_close.index.tz_localize(None) rebalance_time = (p.index & ohlcv_usdt_close.index) ohlcv_usdt_close = ohlcv_usdt_close.loc[rebalance_time] p = p.loc[rebalance_time].fillna(0) asset_return = ((ohlcv_usdt_close.pct_change().shift(-1).fillna(0)) * p) - fee * (p - p.shift()).abs() asset_return.fillna(0, inplace=True) (asset_return.cumsum() / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc('USDT')).plot() s = (asset_return.sum(axis=1).cumsum() + initial_margin_sum_btc) / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc( 'USDT') s.plot() (s / s.cummax()).plot() return results
def calculate_position_size(self, signals, rebalance_threshold=0.03, excluded_assets=[])
Calculate the proportion of asset orders.
Calculate data is based on latest signals dataframe.
- A dataframe of signals.
- A float of rebalance_threshold.
- A list of asset name which are excluded calculation.
- A dataframe of how many assets to deposit for each cryptocurrency.
- A dataframe of converting cryptocurrency to BTC.
- A dataframe of transaction(new order) data.
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def calculate_position_size(self, signals, rebalance_threshold=0.03, excluded_assets=list()): """Calculate the proportion of asset orders. Calculate data is based on latest signals dataframe. Args: signals: A dataframe of signals. rebalance_threshold: A float of rebalance_threshold. excluded_assets: A list of asset name which are excluded calculation. Returns: diff_value: A dataframe of how many assets to deposit for each cryptocurrency. diff_value_btc: A dataframe of converting cryptocurrency to BTC. transaction: A dataframe of transaction(new order) data. """ if self.default_stable_coin not in excluded_assets: excluded_assets.append(self.default_stable_coin) signals['base_asset'] = signals['quote_asset'] = signals['base_value_btc'] = signals.latest_signal * signals.value_in_btc signals['quote_value_btc'] = -(signals.latest_signal.astype(int) * signals.weight_btc) quote_asset_list = list(set(signals.quote_asset)) # calculate base and quote assets (in btc term) base_asset_value = pd.Series(signals.base_value_btc.values, index=signals.base_asset) quote_asset_value = pd.Series(signals.quote_value_btc.values, index=signals.quote_asset) base_asset_value = base_asset_value.groupby(level=0).sum() quote_asset_value = quote_asset_value.groupby(level=0).sum() # get position position = pd.Series({i['asset']: i['free'] for i in['balances'] if float(i['free']) != 0}).astype(float) position = position[position.index.str[:2] != 'LD'] print(position) # refine asset index all_assets = base_asset_value.index | quote_asset_value.index | position.index base_asset_value = base_asset_value.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) quote_asset_value = quote_asset_value.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) position = position.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) # calculate algo value algo_value_in_btc = base_asset_value + quote_asset_value asset_price_in_btc = algo_value = algo_value_in_btc / asset_price_in_btc # calculate diffierence margin_position = pd.Series(self._margins).reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) diff_value_btc = pd.DataFrame({ 'algo_p': algo_value_in_btc, 'margin_p': margin_position * asset_price_in_btc, 'estimate_p': algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc, 'present_p': position * asset_price_in_btc, 'difference': (algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc).clip(0,None) - position * asset_price_in_btc, 'rebalance_threshold': (algo_value_in_btc + margin_position * asset_price_in_btc).abs() * rebalance_threshold, }) diff_value_btc['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc['difference'].abs() > diff_value_btc['rebalance_threshold'] diff_value_btc.loc[quote_asset_list, 'rebalance'] = True # excluding checking of asset positions excluded = pd.Series(True, diff_value_btc.index) excluded[diff_value_btc.index.isin(signals.quote_asset) | diff_value_btc.index.isin(signals.base_asset)] = False excluded[diff_value_btc.index.isin(excluded_assets)] = True diff_value_btc['excluded'] = excluded diff_value = diff_value_btc.copy() diff_value = diff_value.div(asset_price_in_btc, axis=0) diff_value.rebalance = diff_value.rebalance != 0 diff_value.excluded = diff_value.excluded != 0 # calculate transactions rebalance_value_btc = diff_value_btc.rebalance * diff_value_btc.difference * (~diff_value_btc.excluded) increase_asset_amount = rebalance_value_btc[rebalance_value_btc > 0] decrease_asset_amount = rebalance_value_btc[rebalance_value_btc < 0] diff_value_btc['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc['difference'].abs() > diff_value_btc['rebalance_threshold'] diff_value['rebalance'] = diff_value_btc.rebalance txn_btc = {} for nai, ai in increase_asset_amount.items(): for nad, ad in decrease_asset_amount.items(): symbol = nad + nai amount = min(-ad, ai) is_valid = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol', symbol) is not None and nai in quote_asset_list if is_valid: increase_asset_amount.loc[nai] -= amount decrease_asset_amount.loc[nad] += amount txn_btc[symbol] = -amount continue symbol = nai + nad is_valid = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol', symbol) is not None and nad in quote_asset_list if is_valid: increase_asset_amount.loc[nai] -= amount decrease_asset_amount.loc[nad] += amount txn_btc[symbol] = amount continue # assumption: self.default_stable_coin can be the quote asset for all alt-coins transaction_btc = increase_asset_amount.append(decrease_asset_amount) transaction_btc.index = transaction_btc.index + self.default_stable_coin if self.default_stable_coin in transaction_btc.index: transaction_btc.pop(self.default_stable_coin+self.default_stable_coin) transaction_btc = transaction_btc.append(pd.Series(txn_btc)) transaction = transaction_btc.to_frame(name='value_in_btc') print(transaction) transaction['base_asset'] = transaction['quote_asset'] = transaction['value'] = transaction['value_in_btc'] / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc) transaction['price'] = lambda s: self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.tickers, 'symbol', s)['price']) transaction = transaction.groupby(level=0).agg( dict(value_in_btc='sum', value='sum', base_asset='first', quote_asset='first', price='first')) transaction = transaction[transaction.value != 0] # check difference after transaction def asset_distributed(v): asset_increase = v.value_in_btc.groupby(v.base_asset).sum() asset_decrease = v.value_in_btc.groupby(v.quote_asset).sum() return asset_increase.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) - asset_decrease.reindex(all_assets).fillna(0) verify_assets = asset_distributed(transaction) verify_assets = verify_assets[verify_assets != 0] verify = (verify_assets / diff_value_btc.difference.reindex(verify_assets.index) - 1).abs() < 0.001 try: assert verify[verify.index != self.default_stable_coin].all() except: print(diff_value_btc) print(transaction) print(verify_assets) print(verify) raise Exception("validation fail") # filter out orders where base asset is in quote asset list (ex: btcusdt) # assumption: base asset should only be paired by one quote asset transaction = transaction[~(transaction.base_asset.isin(quote_asset_list) & ( transaction.value_in_btc.abs() < diff_value_btc.loc[ transaction['base_asset']].rebalance_threshold.values))] # verify diff_value def get_filters(exinfo, symbol): filters = self.ticker_info._list_select(self.ticker_info.exinfo['symbols'], 'symbol', symbol)['filters'] min_lot_size = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'LOT_SIZE')['minQty'] step_size = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'LOT_SIZE')['stepSize'] min_notional = self.ticker_info._list_select(filters, 'filterType', 'MIN_NOTIONAL')['minNotional'] return { 'min_lot_size': min_lot_size, 'step_size': step_size, 'min_notional': min_notional, } filters = pd.DataFrame( {s: get_filters(self.ticker_info.exinfo, s) for s in transaction.index}).transpose().astype(float) if len(transaction) != 0: min_notional = filters.min_notional minimum_lot_size = filters.min_lot_size step_size = filters.step_size # rebalance filter: diff = transaction['value'] # step size filter diff = round((diff / step_size).astype(int) * step_size, 9) # minimum lot filter diff[diff.abs() < minimum_lot_size] = 0 # minimum notional filter diff[diff.abs() * transaction.price.astype(float) < min_notional] = 0 transaction['final_value'] = diff transaction['final_value_in_btc'] = diff * self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc) else: transaction = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=['final_value']) transaction = transaction[transaction['final_value'] != 0] return diff_value, diff_value_btc, transaction
def execute_orders(self, transactions, mode='TEST')
Execute orders to Binance.
Execute orders by program order.
- A dataframe which is generated by transaction in calculate_position_size() function result.
- A str of transactions mode, we have 3 method. 'TEST' is simulation. 'MARKET' is market order which is transaction at the current latest price. 'LIMIT' is The transaction is done at the specified price. If the specified price is not touched, the transaction has not been completed.
A dataframe of trades.
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def execute_orders(self, transactions, mode='TEST'): """Execute orders to Binance. Execute orders by program order. Args: transactions: A dataframe which is generated by transaction in calculate_position_size() function result. mode: A str of transactions mode, we have 3 method. 'TEST' is simulation. 'MARKET' is market order which is transaction at the current latest price. 'LIMIT' is The transaction is done at the specified price. If the specified price is not touched, the transaction has not been completed. Returns: A dataframe of trades. """ def cancel_orders(symbol): orders = self._client.get_open_orders(symbol=symbol) for o in orders: self._client.cancel_order(symbol=symbol, orderId=o['orderId']) order_func = self._client.create_order if mode == 'MARKET' or mode == 'LIMIT' else self._client.create_test_order print('|---------EXECUTION LOG----------|') print('| time: ','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) trades = {} for s, lot in transactions.final_value.items(): cancel_orders(s) if lot == 0: continue side = SIDE_BUY if lot > 0 else SIDE_SELL try: args = dict( side=side, type=ORDER_TYPE_MARKET, symbol=s, quantity=abs(lot)) if mode == 'LIMIT': args['price'] = transactions.price.loc[s] args['type'] = ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT args['timeInForce'] = 'GTC' order_func(**args) order_result = 'success' print('|', mode, s, side, abs(lot), order_result) except Exception as e: print('| FAIL', s, s, side, abs(lot), str(e)) order_result = 'FAIL: ' + str(e) trades[s] = { **args, 'result': order_result, } return pd.DataFrame(trades).transpose()
def get_all_symbol_lookback(self)
Get all symbol lookback. Use in get_ohlcvs(self) function.
A dict of OHLCV lookback.
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def get_all_symbol_lookback(self): """Get all symbol lookback. Use in get_ohlcvs(self) function. Returns: A dict of OHLCV lookback. """ symbol_lookbacks = {} for method in self._trading_methods: for a in method.symbols: if (a, method.freq) not in symbol_lookbacks or method.lookback > symbol_lookbacks[(a, method.freq)]: symbol_lookbacks[(a, method.freq)] = method.lookback # add quote asset historical data addition = {} for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items(): base_asset = self.ticker_info.get_base_asset(symbol) if base_asset != self.quote_asset: new_symbol = base_asset + self.quote_asset addition[(new_symbol, freq)] = lookback return {**symbol_lookbacks, **addition}
def get_full_ohlcvs(self)
Getting all histrical price data through binance api.
A DataFrame of OHLCV data for all.
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def get_full_ohlcvs(self): """Getting all histrical price data through binance api. Returns: A DataFrame of OHLCV data for all. """ symbol_lookbacks = self.get_all_symbol_lookback() ohlcvs = {} for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items(): ohlcvs[(symbol, freq)] = get_all_binance(symbol, freq) time.sleep(3) return ohlcvs
def get_latest_signals(self, ohlcvs, html=False)
Get latest signals dataframe.
Choose which strategy to implement on widgets GUI.
- A dataframe of symbel.
- A bool of controlling html generation.
A dataframe of latest_signals data, The last_signals column is bool value of whether to execute the transaction. The value_in_btc column is present value of assets.
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def get_latest_signals(self, ohlcvs, html=False): """Get latest signals dataframe. Choose which strategy to implement on widgets GUI. Args: ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbel. html: A bool of controlling html generation. Returns: A dataframe of latest_signals data, The last_signals column is bool value of whether to execute the transaction. The value_in_btc column is present value of assets. """ ret = [] for method in self._trading_methods: for symbol in method.symbols: ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)] htmlname = f'{symbol}-{method.freq}-{}.html' if html else None result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv, method.variables, filters=method.filters, plot=html, html=htmlname, freq=method.freq, fees=0., slippage=0.) signal =[-1] == 0 return_ = 0 # find weight_btc if it is in the nested dictionary weight_btc = method.weight_btc if isinstance(weight_btc, dict): weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol] if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default']) entry_price = 0 entry_time = 0 value_in_btc = 0 if signal: txn = result.positions().records rds = result.orders().records return_ = ohlcv.close.iloc[-1] / rds['price'].iloc[-1] - 1 entry_price = rds['price'].iloc[-1] entry_time = ohlcv.index[int(rds.iloc[-1]['idx'])] base_asset = self.ticker_info.get_base_asset(symbol) if base_asset != self.quote_asset: quote_asset_symbol = base_asset + self.quote_asset quote_asset_price_previous = ohlcvs[(quote_asset_symbol, method.freq)].close.loc[entry_time] quote_asset_price_now = ohlcvs[(quote_asset_symbol, method.freq)].close.iloc[-1] else: quote_asset_price_previous = 1 quote_asset_price_now = 1 value_in_btc = weight_btc / quote_asset_price_previous * quote_asset_price_now ret.append({ 'symbol': symbol, 'method name':, 'latest_signal': signal, 'weight_btc': weight_btc, 'freq': method.freq, 'return': return_, 'value_in_btc': value_in_btc * signal, 'latest_price': ohlcv.close.iloc[-1], 'entry_price': entry_price, 'entry_time': entry_time, 'html': htmlname, }) ret = pd.DataFrame(ret) return ret
def get_ohlcvs(self)
Getting histrical price data through binance api.
A DataFrame of OHLCV data , the number of data length is lookback.
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def get_ohlcvs(self): """Getting histrical price data through binance api. Returns: A DataFrame of OHLCV data , the number of data length is lookback. """ symbol_lookbacks = self.get_all_symbol_lookback() ohlcvs = {} for (symbol, freq), lookback in symbol_lookbacks.items(): ohlcvs[(symbol, freq)] = get_nbars_binance(symbol, freq, lookback, self._client) return ohlcvs
def portfolio_backtest(self, ohlcvs, min_freq, quote_assets=['BTC', 'USDT', 'BUSD', 'USDC'], fee=0.002, delay=0)
Display portfolio backtest result.
Calculate overall account asset changes. Unit is USD
- A dataframe of symbel.
- A str of calculation frequency ex('4h').
- A list of assets name ex(['BTC', 'USDT', 'BUSD', 'ETH']).
- A float of trading fee.
- A int of delayed entry and exit setting.
widget GUI
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def portfolio_backtest(self, ohlcvs, min_freq, quote_assets=['BTC', 'USDT', 'BUSD', 'USDC'], fee=0.002, delay=0): """Display portfolio backtest result. Calculate overall account asset changes. Unit is USD Args: ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbel. min_freq: A str of calculation frequency ex('4h'). quote_assets: A list of assets name ex(['BTC', 'USDT', 'BUSD', 'ETH']). fee: A float of trading fee. delay: A int of delayed entry and exit setting. Returns: widget GUI """ # backtest_results results = [] for method in self._trading_methods: for symbol in method.symbols: ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)] result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv, method.variables, filters=method.filters, freq=method.freq) # find weight_btc if it is in the nested dictionary weight_btc = method.weight_btc if isinstance(weight_btc, dict): weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol] if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default']) results.append({ 'name':, 'symbol': symbol, 'freq': method.freq, 'weight': weight_btc, 'portfolio': result, 'trading_method': method, 'signal':[-1] == 0, }) results = pd.DataFrame(results) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt position = {} quote_substract = {} for index, value in results.transpose().items(): position[value.loc['name'] + '|' + value.symbol + '|' + value.freq] = ( == 0).shift( delay).ffill() * value.weight position = pd.DataFrame(position).resample(min_freq).last().ffill() position.columns = position.columns.str.split('|').str[1] position = position.ffill().fillna(0) position = position.groupby(position.columns, axis=1).sum() # find quote assets quote_asset_col = [] for symbol in position.columns: for q in quote_assets: if symbol[-len(q):] == q: quote_asset_col.append(q) break quote_position = position.copy() quote_position.columns = quote_asset_col quote_position = -quote_position.groupby(quote_position.columns, axis=1).sum() # calculate return in usdt assets = position.columns.str.split('|').str[0].to_list() for i, a in enumerate(assets): for q in quote_assets: if len(a) > 5 and a[-len(q):] == q: assets[i] = a[:-len(q)] position.columns = assets position = position.groupby(position.columns, axis=1).sum() quote_position = quote_position.groupby(quote_position.columns, axis=1).sum() all_symbols = list(set(quote_position.columns) | set(position.columns) | set(self._margins.keys())) if 'USDT' not in all_symbols: all_symbols.append('USDT') position = position.reindex(all_symbols, axis=1).fillna(0) + quote_position.reindex(all_symbols, axis=1).fillna( 0) ohlcv_usdt = {a: get_all_binance(a + 'USDT', min_freq) for a in position.columns if a != 'USDT'} initial_margin_sum_btc = 0 for a, w in self._margins.items(): position[a] += self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc(a) * w initial_margin_sum_btc += self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc(a) * w # remove negative position negative_position = ((position < 0) * position).drop('USDT', axis=1, errors='ignore').sum(axis=1) pusdt = position['USDT'].copy() position = position.clip(0, None) position.USDT = pusdt + negative_position addition_usdt = -min(position.USDT.min(), 0) / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc('USDT') if addition_usdt > 0: print('WARRN**: additional usdt is required: ', addition_usdt, ' USD') p = position.loc[position.index[(position != position.shift()).abs().sum(axis=1) != 0] | position.index[-1:]] p.index = p.index.tz_localize(None) ohlcv_usdt_close = pd.DataFrame({name: s.close for name, s in ohlcv_usdt.items()}) ohlcv_usdt_close.index = ohlcv_usdt_close.index.tz_localize(None) rebalance_time = (p.index & ohlcv_usdt_close.index) ohlcv_usdt_close = ohlcv_usdt_close.loc[rebalance_time] p = p.loc[rebalance_time].fillna(0) asset_return = ((ohlcv_usdt_close.pct_change().shift(-1).fillna(0)) * p) - fee * (p - p.shift()).abs() asset_return.fillna(0, inplace=True) (asset_return.cumsum() / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc('USDT')).plot() s = (asset_return.sum(axis=1).cumsum() + initial_margin_sum_btc) / self.ticker_info.get_asset_price_in_btc( 'USDT') s.plot() (s / s.cummax()).plot() return results
def register(self, trading_method)
Rigister TradingMethod object.
- A object of TradingMethod().
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def register(self, trading_method): """Rigister TradingMethod object. Args: trading_method: A object of TradingMethod(). """ self._trading_methods.append(trading_method)
def register_margin(self, asset, weight_btc)
Rigister weight_btc as operation amount.
- A str of asset name (ex: 'USDT')
- A float of btc for each commodity operation (ex: 0.2)
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def register_margin(self, asset, weight_btc): """Rigister weight_btc as operation amount. Args: asset: A str of asset name (ex: 'USDT') weight_btc: A float of btc for each commodity operation (ex: 0.2) """ self._margins[asset] = weight_btc
def set_default_stable_coin(self, token)
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def set_default_stable_coin(self, token): self.default_stable_coin = token
def status(self, ohlcvs)
Strategy list widgets.
Choose which strategy to implement on widgets GUI.
- A dataframe of symbol.
widget GUI
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def status(self, ohlcvs): """Strategy list widgets. Choose which strategy to implement on widgets GUI. Args: ohlcvs: A dataframe of symbol. Returns: widget GUI """ import ipywidgets as widgets ret = pd.DataFrame() full_results = [] for method in self._trading_methods: for symbol in method.symbols: ohlcv = ohlcvs[(symbol, method.freq)] result = method.strategy.backtest(ohlcv, method.variables, filters=method.filters, freq=method.freq) ret[ + '-' + symbol + '-' + method.freq] = result.cumulative_returns weight_btc = method.weight_btc if isinstance(weight_btc, dict): weight_btc = (weight_btc[symbol] if symbol in weight_btc else weight_btc['default']) full_results.append({ 'name':, 'symbol': symbol, 'freq': method.freq, 'weight': weight_btc, 'portfolio': result, 'trading_method': method, 'signal':[-1] == 0, }) method_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=[ + '-' + str(i) for i, m in enumerate(self._trading_methods)]) symbol_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=[symbol + '-' + freq for symbol, freq in ohlcvs.keys()]) backtest_btn = widgets.Button(description='status') backtest_panel = widgets.Output() option_panel = widgets.Output() def plotly_df(df): """Display plot. """ # Plot fig = px.line() for sname, s in df.items(): fig.add_scatter(x=s.index, y=s.values, name=sname) # Not what is desired - need a line # @backtest_panel.capture(clear_output=True) def backtest(_): """Display single strategy backtest result. """ method_id = int(method_dropdown.value.split('-')[-1]) history_id = tuple(symbol_dropdown.value.split('-')) ohlcv = ohlcvs[history_id] strategy = self._trading_methods[method_id].strategy svars = self._trading_methods[method_id].variables filters = self._trading_methods[method_id].filters strategy.backtest(ohlcv, variables=svars, filters=filters, freq=history_id[-1], plot=True) backtest_btn.on_click(backtest) dropdowns = widgets.HBox([method_dropdown, symbol_dropdown, backtest_btn]) with option_panel: plotly_df(ret) display(pd.DataFrame(full_results)) return widgets.VBox([option_panel, dropdowns, backtest_panel])